Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Elektra | Comics

An Olympic level athlete and a master assassin trained by ninja cult The Hand, Elektra Natchios was the daughter of a Greek Ambassador. During her time in college, she started a relationship with the blind lawyer Matt Murdock, who would later become Daredevil. After she lost her father in an accident during a hostage situation, she gave up on law and traveled to Japan.

elektra comics marvel
Elektra | Comics

Her master Stick; who also trained Matt, trained her up well enough but she later joined the ranks of The Hand. Elektra become their top assassin but eventually left them after sometime to be a bounty hunter. Soon, in New York, she earned the place of Kingpin’s top assassin and encountered her former lover Daredevil again.

One of Kingpin’s former hitman Bullseye impaled her with her own sais in retaliation to get his old position back. She was resurrected and revived by Stone, yet she did not appear to Matt for years. She even tangled with the feral mutant Wolverine several times; especially when he lost his Adamantium and also when he went rogue as “The Enemy of the State” after being re-programmed by Hydra.

She was then captured and replaced by the Skrulls before their “Secret Invasion” on Earth which is revealed after the imposter died in a battle with New Avengers. Norman Osborn's Dark Reign brought her imprisonment to a H.A.M.M.E.R. facility, which she escaped soon. She is offered a place in the ranks of the newly reformed Thunderbolts strike team alongside Agent Venom, Deadpool, Red Hulk, Punisher and The Leader.

For more information on Elektra comics series, you can check out these links below.

Elektra (Comics) Wikipedia

Elektra (Comics) Marvel Wikia

elektra marvel comics
Agent of The Hand

Here is your links for "Elektra" comics from Marvel Comics.

During his run on the monthly ongoing Daredevil series in 1981, legendary comic book creator Frank Miller (All Star Batman & Robin, Batman – Year One) created the character Elektra. Over time, she appeared on many limited series as well as a couple of her own monthly ongoing and that’s not all; this popular heroine was involved in many of the important crossover events and stories of Marvel Comics.

elektra the hand
Resurrection and Beyond

Actress Jennifer Garner portrayed the character adaptation in both motion picture of Daredevil (2003) and its spin-off, Elektra (2005). Later, when Marvel's Daredevil premiered on Netflix, the character appeared in Season 2 of the show, played by Élodie Yung.
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Wednesday, January 7, 2004

Watchmen | Comics

An assailant broke into the apartment of a man to beat the hell out of him and then murdered him by throwing off the window. The police came investigating about the case of the recently deceased resident named Edward Blake but had almost no progress at all. All they know is that he was doing diplomatic works overseas and found a photograph of him with Vice-President Ford.

watchmen comic
Watchmen | Comics

Even though some money was stolen, this seemed like no ordinary burglary. As the two detectives leave the scene they were discussing about possibilities of the involvement of vigilantes or more specifically about Rorschach, since most of the others are all either in retirement. At midnight, Rorschach reaches the buildings front and finds a yellow smiley face button with blood on it.

He sneaks and found out that Blake was actually a costumed government official named The Comedian. Afterwards, Rorschach visits Dan Dreiberg; the second Nite Owl, Doctor Manhattan and Laurie Juspeczyk AKA Silk Spectre, then finally he warned once the hero Ozymandias and now a publicly renowned businessman Adrian Veidt about it as he believes that the assailant could again come after any of them next.

Soon, Doctor Manhattan is blamed for the cause of cancer among his former friends and colleagues, leading him to take an exile to Mars. An assassination attempt on Adrian fails and Rorschach is framed for the murder of a former villain. Juspeczyk and Dreiberg drew close to each other and returned to vigilantism believing Rorschach’s conspiracy theory.

For more information on Watchmen limited series, you can check out the links below.

Watchmen (Comics) Wikipedia

Watchmen (Comics) DC Wikia

Watchmen (Comics) Wikia

watchmen dc comics
The End Is Nigh

Here is your links to buy "Watchmen" from DC Comics in issues on Amazon.

Watchmen 01

Watchmen 02

Watchmen 03

Watchmen 04

Watchmen 05

Watchmen 06

Watchmen 07

Watchmen 08

Watchmen 09

Watchmen 10

Watchmen 11

Watchmen 12

Here is your links to buy "Watchmen" from DC Comics on Amazon.

Watchmen (Softcover)

Watchmen (Hardcover)

Absolute Watchmen

Mostly known for an ageless script and a unique storytelling, Watchmen is a twelve issue limited series from DC Comics that was released on 1987. Writer Alan Moore (Batman – The Killing Joke, V for Vendetta) came up with the concept where the plot was set apart from the regular DC Universe but still had super-heroes in it. Then he collaborated with artist Dave Gibbons into creating this masterpiece which went on to become a New York Times Best Seller!

watchmen comic cover
Heroes In Costume

The graphic novel has made into a motion picture titled 'Watchmen' by director Zack Snyder in 2009 as well as a video game series titled ‘Watchmen – The End Is Nigh’. Even though the series was sort of one-time story, in 2012, DC Comics launched Before Watchmen, a series of comic-books serving as the prequel for the original Watchmen but this time Moore and Gibbons were not involved.
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Sunday, January 4, 2004

Crisis on Infinite Earths | Comics

During the Big Bang event that structured the entire universe, there also was created many others like the first one as a sort of imitation. Thus, they all have their own different histories from the other one. The same event that has caused this multiple universe has also produced two supreme beings called The Monitor and its evil counterpart; Anti-Monitor, both knowing the secrets of the universe.

Crisis on Infinite Earths Comics Cover,
Crisis on Infinite Earths | Comics

At the beginning of all, they both engaged in war without a result, where The Monitor tried his best to stop Anti-Monitor from destroying Multiverse but finally both rendered unconscious for millennia. When scientist Kell Mossa tried to witness creation at Dawn of Time in his anti-matter chamber, he instead accidentally witnessed the Anti-Monitor.

It eventually destroyed his world just like many other of the Multiverse, he was saved by The Monitor who renamed him as Pariah. The Monitor sends his assistant Harbinger to seek out some heroes from Multiverse to make a final stand and fight back against Anti-Monitor. So, Arion the Sorcerer, Blue Beetle, Dawnstar, Firebrand, Firestorm, Killer Frost, King Solovar of Gorilla City and Psycho-Pirate is recruited to fight back the evil anti-matter force of destruction.

For more information on Crisis on Infinite Earths, you can check out these links below.

Crisis on Infinite Earths (Comics) Wikipedia

Crisis on Infinite Earths (Comics) DC Wikia

Crisis of Multiverse,
Crisis of Multiverse

Here is your link for "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover event from DC Comics in issues.

Crisis on Infinite Earths 01

Crisis on Infinite Earths 02

Crisis on Infinite Earths 03

Crisis on Infinite Earths 04

Crisis on Infinite Earths 05

Crisis on Infinite Earths 06

Crisis on Infinite Earths 07

Crisis on Infinite Earths 08

Crisis on Infinite Earths 09

Crisis on Infinite Earths 10

Crisis on Infinite Earths 11

Crisis on Infinite Earths 12

Here is your links for "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover event from DC Comics.

Crisis on Infinite Earths (Softcover)

Crisis on Infinite Earths (Hardcover)

Absolute Crisis on Infinite Earths

Released on 1985 from DC Comics, "Crisis on Infinite Earths" is a twelve issue limited series that re-forged the then already 50 year reigning DC Universe. Writer Marv Wolfman (DC Universe Online – Legends, Deathstroke the Terminator) and artist George Pérez (Final Crisis – Legion of 3 Worlds, Infinity Gauntlet) were tasked along with Mike DeCarlo, Dick Giordano and Jerry Ordway to create this series that served as a comic book crossover event at that time.

The heroes fighting the Anti-Monitor,
The heroes fighting the Anti-Monitor

The crossover also produced three sequels that was Zero Hour – Crisis in Time (1994), Infinite Crisis (2005–2006) and Final Crisis (2008). Crisis on Infinite Earths was not only one of the most influential comic book story of that time but it paved the pathway for the future "Crisis" titled events.
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