Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion | Comics

For long, Skrulls have planned for a Secret Invasion on Earth and Nick Fury goes underground to repel their attack.

A few months ago, Nick Fury sent a team of Black Widow, Captain America, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Spider-Man and Wolverine to Latveria for a covert mission of overthrowing its terrorist government. He erased this memory off their minds when things went south and bid farewell to his friends via an LMD that was butchered by Logan.

A month later, he meets Countess Valentina Allegra de Fontaine in disguise at a secret hideout of Mexico and spends the night together. Next day, she goes out to get something to eat and Fury follows her in cloak to see her meeting an unknown man, talking about gaining his pass codes for S.H.I.E.L.D. files before eliminating him.

Back home, Nick was waiting for her to get back and asks Fontaine about her true motives at gun point. He then shots her in the head as her body immediately returns to its original form of a shape-shifting Skrull and left it for her allies to find later.

Fury shows up at S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier to pay Maria Hill a visit and she wakes up to find him sitting next to her in surprise. He tells her to be wary of her surroundings and get a dozen of LMDs to employ them whenever she has a bad gut feeling. Nick warns her by saying that he will be keeping an eye on her before making a sudden departure.

mighty avengers secret invasion marvel comics brian michael bendis marko djurdjevic
Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion | Comics

He then meets Spider-Woman two months later to set her up as a double-agent who would report to him on Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. Giving her brief idea of an infiltration of Skrulls, Fury leaves to figure out other pieces of the puzzle.

One by one, he starts recruiting Druid, Hellfire, Phobos, Quake, Slingshot and Stonewall to form his very own team of Secret Warriors. Skrulls have sent one of their agent Criti Noll, who shape-shifted into a college student from Oxford University and started relationship with Hank Pym to replace him after he separated from Janet Van Dyne.

For years, Skrulls were unsuccessfully trying to eliminate The Sentry with numerous measures since he is one of the threats that can ruin their plan of conquering Earth. When New Avengers were formed after "Breakout" at Raft, one of them posed as Edwin Jarvis to gather information from Tony Stark and got access to all Avengers file he had.

Jarvis imposter suggests to his peers that they simply wait for Sentry to go rogue because he thinks, Bob will go insane eventually and kill everyone. Later, a Skrull ship crash landed on Savage Land only to encounter two Avenger teams but unwilling to fight Sentry, they made him ran away believing that all of this is caused by The Void.

Right after Iron Man formed a new team of Mighty Avengers, they faced the menace of Ultron, who took control over his physical form of and while working to defeat it, imposter Hank Pym learned of Tony's organic tech and they later used this info to infect Stark with an alien virus that affected his entire computer network system.

In early phase of their operation, one of their Super-Skrull agent attempt to capture Elektra but failed miserably. Then two of them ambushed her to meet the same fate and for a third one to take her down via deception. That doppelganger then kills a HYDRA representative and a leader of The Hand to take control over Japanese underworld.

Original imposter of Yellowjacket contacts Skrull-Dum-Dum Dugan to let their Queen know that they can't possibly win against humans, causing his peers to turn against him and replaced with a clone after they killed him. Meanwhile, Nick Fury readies up members of his Secret Warriors team for a "Skrull Invasion" that breaks in New York City.

mighty avengers secret invasion marvel comics captain america skrull brian michael bendis marko djurdjevic
Skrull Secret Invasion

Here is your links to buy "Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Mighty Avengers 12

Mighty Avengers 13

Mighty Avengers 14

Mighty Avengers 15

Mighty Avengers 16

Mighty Avengers 17

Mighty Avengers 18

Mighty Avengers 19

Mighty Avengers 20

Here is your links to buy "Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion Book 1 (Softcover)

Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion Book 2 (Softcover)

Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion Book 1 (Hardcover)

Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion Book 2 (Hardcover)

Mighty Avengers – Secret Invasion (Hardcover)

Following first two storyline from Mighty Avengers monthly ongoing comic-book series from Marvel Comics in 2009, writer Brian Michael Bendis (Mighty Avengers – The Ultron Initiative, Mighty Avengers – Venom Bomb) continues his run in "Secret Invasion" tie-in through issues #12-20 that focuses on events that slowly unfolded later.

Bendis collaborated with artists Alex Maleev (Infamous Iron Man – Infamous, Infamous Iron Man – The Absolution of Doom), John Romita Jr. (Avengers Vs. X-Men, World War Hulk), Khoi Pham and Stefano Caselli (All-New Inhumans – Global Outreach, Spider-Man – Ends of the Earth) across a nine-part story for cover art and interiors.

mighty avengers secret invasion marvel comics ant man janet van dyne death brian michael bendis marko djurdjevic
Requiem For The Fallen

From a surprise "Breakout" at maximum security prison Raft, to superhero "Civil War" and to the tragic "Death of Captain America", everything has been carefully planned and orchestrated by Skrull Queen Veranke and her allies. They took out whomever they could and replaced them with one of their own to begin a mass infiltration.

Current plotline works more of a filler to mostly point out how Skrulls have replaced each single heroes or villains with one of their own agents from starts. Original lineup of Mighty Avengers will go through a change by next story "Earth's Mightiest" with return of a few familiar faces like a new team leader Hank Pym and Scarlet Witch.
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Secret Invasion – Inhumans | Comics

Black Bolt is revealed to be a Skrull and Queen Medusa set out to find former king of Inhumans alongside Royal Family members.

To a group of young Inhumans, story of Kree-Skrull War and a tale of enmity between those alien races were being told by Karnak. Whereas Skrulls were blessed with evolution, Kree couldn't evolve any further and therefore set to experiment that gave birth to their race and they have strength of family bond that makes them strong.

Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., Tony Stark reaches out to Queen Medusa and her cousin Crystal to show them the Skrull corpse that was posing as Black Bolt. He admits that even he couldn't tell who it was and she angrily states that she is aware of secret meetings on Earth her husband frequently attends to but none is sure when he was switched.

Iron Man urges her that they all should prepare to fight a great looming threat but she simply walks away with the corpse. On Attilan, she presents it in front of Genetics Council and declares that they all are at war. She wants to bring her husband back at once but his brother Maximus suggests that Skrulls have most likely killed him.

This news didn't sit well with many, particularly with Gorgon who thinks Karnak could be an imposter as he sees things for what they truly are and he somehow couldn't detect these shape-shifting aliens among them. However, it took a little bit of convincing from Triton for him to eventually calm down and let his cousin go.

secret invasion inhumans marvel comics joe pokaski tom raney medusa black bolt
Secret Invasion – Inhumans | Comics

That night, Medusa saw a shadow in her quarters that she thought to be Blackagar Boltagon but turns out to be a Skrull. She takes down her attacker and subjected him to vicious torture in Terrigen chambers for answers. More of their sleeper agents start attacking Attilan and their populace only to meet with serious resistance.

Medusa then leads a cavalry of Crystal, Gorgon, Karnak, Lockjaw and Triton into space to rescue her husband. Leaving their people to fend themselves, members of Royal Family heads to uncharted territory and arrives at Kree space. Medusa asks for help from Ronan the Accuser to find Blackagar but he is reluctant for an alliance.

Since they already lost to Skrulls, he is less interest in helping them but agrees to help them on condition of Crystal becoming his bride. Inhuman Queen accepts his terms despite objections from her sister. Karnak managed to work out a crack in Skrull communications and asks his family to split up in order to exploit its weaknesses.

Crystal and Medusa visits Earth to get a Skrull captive from Thundra but ended up fighting each other over their differences. Gorgon and Karnak are sent to Rigel 3 for retrieving a recording android to get necessary algorithm. Triton goes to watery planet Pelagia to find a secret beacon and also tackle an entire legion of its inhabitants.

Elsewhere in deep space, a wounded Black Bolt appears to be in captivity and a Skrull scientist working on using his powerful voice as a weapon for Skrull Empire. To learn more of his powers and invoke emotion within him, they reveal capturing his son Ahura as well, who is under care of a Skrull with powers of Emma Frost and Jean Grey.

His handler tries to locate what makes his emotion click and finds it in his queen who has been living with Black Bolt impostor. Held aboard warship Ryb'ik, Blackagar is being readied up to use his voice to destroy Attilan with a giant amplifier device.

Here is your links to buy "Secret Invasion – Inhumans" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Secret Invasion – Inhumans 01

Secret Invasion – Inhumans 02

Secret Invasion – Inhumans 03

Secret Invasion – Inhumans 04

Here is your links to buy "Secret Invasion – Inhumans" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Secret Invasion – Inhumans

With "Secret Invasion" crossover event taking over Marvel Universe, even Inhumans are not left out from taking part and a four-part limited series is conceived by writer Joe Pokaski (Ultimatum – March On Ultimatum, Ultimatum – X-Men/Fantastic Four) and artist Tom Raney (Black Widow – Deadly Origin, Dark Reign – Hawkeye).

Though Inhumans typically stay out of Earthly affairs but Skrulls have reached for them directly and replaced their leader Black Bolt. They had a plan to use him as a weapon to destroy his own people and then possibly against heroes of Earth.

Sometime after events of "Silent War", Blackagar was taken captive by an ambush when he was going to meet his friends in Illuminati and is replaced by an imposter. Then Hulk returned from his exile in space and attacked him. "World War Hulk" almost blew up cover of his replacement but it survived and become very close to Medusa.

For long, Black Bolt impersonator would not reveal its true self to anyone and play along until Iron Man would bring corpse of Elektra-Skrull to show off fellow Illuminati members (New Avengers – Illuminati). Although it took some efforts from the heroes but they successfully managed to kill it by impaling on a giant slab of rock.
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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Final Crisis | Comics

The Fourth World is diminished and "Death of the New Gods" did not stop the eternal war between Apokolips and New Genesis. Darkseid travels to time after his final conflict with New Gods and upon gaining Anti-Life Equation, he reaches Earth. His consciousness takes abode in a human body that starts running "Dark Side Club" in Blüdhaven. He becomes a leader of a criminal gang and going by the name "Boss Dark Side".  While investigating a case of a few missing kids, Detective Dan Turpin finds a dying Orion and sky turns red.

Green Lantern, Hal Jordan and John Stewart go to the docs for inspection of the crime scene and alert Guardians of the Universe about this incident. It is eventually discovered that a radiated bullet was fired backwards from future to kill Orion by an anonymous person. Batman and Green Lantern, Alan Scott gets engaged in an exploration regarding this murder mystery that puts them both out of picture for a while. Doctor Light and Mirror Master attacked the League of Titans to obtain Metron's Mobius Chair for Libra.

superman v batman dc
Final Crisis | Comics

Libra, an agent and minion of Darkseid, is sent to escort escaped villains from prison planet "Salvation Run" to re-form Secret Society of Super Villains. He managed to capture and then murder Justice League member Martian Manhunter by burning him alive upon encountering him during his operation. Dan Turpin kept looking for answers, leading him to Boss Dark Side and his consciousness took over Turpin's body. Nix Uotan, the Monitor of Earth-51 is standing a trial and Multiversal race of Monitors sentenced him a human existence on New Earth, while this helps Solomon's own agenda to progress.

To face the fallen Monitor Dax Novu, Superman and his alternate-selves were called in for help. Dax would become Mandrakk the Dark Monitor and he is a threat because he will feed off the Multiverse itself like celestial parasites. Looking for Secret Society's hideout, The Flashes Jay Garrick and Wally West finds Mobius Chair, which opens a Boom Tube. They witness as the Radion Bullet comes through that portal, followed by Barry Allen and Black Racer on his tail. Frankenstein leads a S.H.A.D.E. strike team at Dark Side Club, while the Evil Factory in Blüdhaven was preparing a body for Kalibak.

Wonder Woman ran into Mary Marvel, who turned evil and exposed her to Morticoccus virus. With help of Darkseid's much desired "Anti-Life Equation", a major change happens worldwide when he released it over Internet. Seeing this, The Dark Knight decides to use the radiation bullet to finally take down God of Evil by breaking his Oath against using guns for a greater good. He does so but only mortally wounding the Dark God before being blasted with his powerful Omega Beams that apparently disintegrated him on spot.

For more information on Final Crisis crossover event, you can check out these links below.

Final Crisis (Comics) Wikipedia

Final Crisis (Comics) DC Wikia

dc comics multiverse darkseid
Oblivion Across Multiverse

Here is your links to buy "Final Crisis" from DC Comics in issues on Amazon.

Final Crisis 01

Final Crisis 02

Final Crisis 03

Final Crisis 04

Final Crisis 05

Final Crisis 06

Final Crisis 07

Here is your links to buy "Final Crisis" from DC Comics on Amazon.

Final Crisis (Softcover)

Final Crisis (Hardcover)

Absolute Final Crisis

"Final Crisis" is a follow-up crossover comic-book event to "Infinite Crisis", concluded from its prequel and seemingly the last of line of Crisis titled events by DC Comics. This event took place in 2008, when writer Grant Morrison (All-Star Superman, Doom Patrol) came up with the core idea of this story along with artists Carlos Pacheco (Bishop, Inhumans) and Doug Mahnke (Justice League Elite, Major Bummer) to envision the plot. Major characters from DC Universe like Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman remained as primary focus of the story as well as threats as great as Darkseid and Mandrakk the Dark Monitor.

batman superman apocalypse
A Dark Demise

Even today, "Final Crisis" is still considered as one of the most important crossover events of DC Comics in modern era that has changed major status-quo of Multiverse timeline with demise of a few popular protagonists and it is the last major event which took place before the biblical "Blackest Night" event. Though these events took place in the New Earth reality, following the reality-altering "Flashpoint" event, "Final Crisis" has been referenced a couple of time in The New 52 continuity. It also suggests that all major events does takes place in all different realities with a slight variation of outcome for each one.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Walking Dead – Here We Remain | Comics

After the bloody savage massacre at the prison led by the tyrannous manic known as The Governor with Woodbury forces, which did not go as planned, Rick Grimes narrowly escaped from the prison along with Carl with their lives in hand, also ridden with guilt over Lori and Judith. The group is shattered, most of them are killed in the battle and they don’t even know where the other survivors of the group are now.

After a couple of day’s worth of journey on foot they reach to a forest where they were looking for some shelter and they stumble upon a small, empty town. When attacked by a Zombie in a nearby store, Rick was barely able to handle it with his axe and Carl managed to kill the Zombie after some struggle while also looking for supplies. Soon, they took shelter in a nearby house where Rick takes a huge dosage of antibiotics for his bullet wound and fades.

walking dead tpb
The Walking Dead – Here We Remain | Comics

At one point Carl thought that Rick is dead when he had not responded for long but found him unconscious from the drug overdose for his bullet wound. He even considered shooting Rick thinking that he is reanimating but then stopped as he saw his father breathe. After single handedly killing three Walkers banging outside of the door at once all by himself, Carl realized that he is his own man and doesn’t need to hide in his father’s shadow anymore.

He blames Rick for the death of his mother and baby sister as well as the entire group of friends they had back at the prison. Rick however doesn't hear any of this and momentarily wakes up and requests Carl to stay inside. After a few days of rest, he gets better and unexpectedly hears a telephone ringing which he answers to have a conversation with a woman who belongs to a larger group. Rick and Carl find an unknown suicidal survivor who is ravaged by Walkers and left a load of supplies behind.

Carl was surprisingly attacked by a Walker when Rick was trying to teach him to survive on his own but Michonne showed up to help. Glenn and Maggie Greene are found, who are staying along with Dale, Andrea, Ben, Billy and Sophia in their farm. Soon, they all meet three new survivors; Abraham Ford, Rosita Espinosa and Eugene Porter who are heading to Washington, D.C. with a mission to stop the apocalypse for good.

For more information on The Walking Dead – Here We Remain storyline, you can check out the link below.

The Walking Dead – Here We Remain (Comics) Wikia

walking dead carl
Carl Takes Down Walkers

Here is your links to buy “The Walking Dead – Here We Remain" from Image Comics in issues on Amazon.

The Walking Dead 49

The Walking Dead 50

The Walking Dead 51

The Walking Dead 52

The Walking Dead 53

The Walking Dead 54

Here is your link to buy “The Walking Dead – Here We Remain" from Image Comics on Amazon.

The Walking Dead Vol 09 – Here We Remain

After the unexpected tragedy in the previous storyline “Made to Suffer”, The Walking Dead chronicles is succeeded by “Here We Remain” arc that took place in the issues #49-54 of the monthly ongoing series. As always, the story is cooked up by writer/creator Robert Kirkman (Battle Pope, Haunt) and artist Charlie Adlard (Judge Dredd, The X-Files). This one marks the eighth time these creator duo of Kirkman and Adlard has worked on a storyline for the acclaimed Image Comics series.

twd abraham ford
Survivors With A Mission

Many aspects of this storyline were adapted into the Season 4 of AMC's hit TV series The Walking Dead, especially the introduction of Abraham Ford, Rosita Espinosa and Eugene Porter's character to the TWD Universe. Though the introduction part happened on the second half of Season 4, because the first half of the season was entirely focused on the conflict with The Governer that has led the story at this point. This story takes us to "What We Become" arc up next where the survivors face more undead adventures in this post-apocalyptic world.
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Monday, November 15, 2010

Secret Invasion | Comics

Skrulls have been planning to invade Earth for long and launches a "Secret Invasion" to replace all heroes with imposters!

For ages, Earth has been a major target of invasion by many alien cultures and races, including Skrulls. However, each time they attempt for assault has been successfully prevented by various superhero groups, most notably Fantastic Four. Nevertheless, they still believed the planet is rightfully theirs because of an ancient prophecy.

After Earth has survived Kree-Skrull War, a group of heroes formed The Illuminati to repel such attack in future and traveled to their homeworld, Tarnax IV to warn them not to make any further moves against Earth but not only their warnings are ignored, they captured and tortured the group before they managed to flee.

Emperor Dorrek VII ordered his men to create a new breed of Super-Skrulls for an invasion. He was warned by Princess Veranke of a prophecy but she and her followers of Dard'van religious cult were all banished to a distant planet. Her words came true in later years as Galactus decimated Skrull homeworld during Annihilation War.

Without a planet of their own and nowhere to go, surviving Skrulls have sought Veranke out and elect her as their new Skrull Empress, who planned an invasion on Earth. They slowly start replacing their agents among super-human community before "House of M" and Veranke posed herself as Spider-Woman to join New Avengers.

After "Death of Captain America" and Civil War coming to an end, they infiltrated every group of 50-State Initiative. With Scarlet Witch thinning out mutant population and Thor being dead, all they had to worry about was Doctor Strange and Sentry. World War Hulk took care of Hulk and Nick Fury went underground following Secret War.

secret invasion marvel comics brian michael bendis gabriele dell'otto
Secret Invasion | Comics

Things became more evident when Elektra is killed by Echo in a battle against New Avengers, she is revealed to be a Skrull and Spider-Woman informed Iron Man about this. Then Illuminati member Black Bolt of Inhumans came out as another Super-Skrull in disguise that fought all of its teammates before being killed by Prince Namor.

Tony Stark brought in Henry Pym and Reed Richards to examine the corpse of Elektra-Skrull to find out how to detect them as they are prone to magic, mutant powers and even technological scans. He then is called by Agent Brand of S.W.O.R.D. to inform about a Skrull ship crash-landing on Savage Land and leaves immediately.

Both teams of Mighty Avengers and New Avengers reached to crash site, where they see their counterparts from 1970 coming out of Skrull ship. At that exact moment, an imposter Dum Dum Dugan blows up S.W.O.R.D. headquarters and Iron Man armor starts malfunctioning due to an alien virus being uploaded to his mainframe.

As Tony collapses down, S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier lost control and Commander Maria Hill ordered everyone out. Another breakout at Raft occurs, freeing villains like Armadillo, Doctor Doom, Mandrill and Shockwave. Baxter Building of Fantastic Four gets sucked into a large portal of Negative Zone by a Skrull agent disguised as Susan Storm.

When Mister Fantastic finally figured out how Skrulls have managed to become undetectable, Hank Pym shot him with a laser weapon. Asking for help from the void of space, Agent Brand sees invasion fleet of Skrulls heading towards Earth.

Ares realizes this to be a trap and advises his fellow heroes to head for mainland but things quickly got heated between them. Two opposing sides assembled in Savage Land engage in a massive brawl that is soon broke up by a rampaging dinosaur. Tony gets busy to rebuild his armor in Mutate Citadel and sends Ms. Marvel away to fight.

A group of Super-Skrulls arrives at Manhattan and only members of Young Avengers were there to face them. Meanwhile, Fury has been assembling a team of new Howling Commandos and joins battle to turn its tide. As things starts getting intense, a certain God of Thunder appears out of nowhere along with a Star-Spangled Avenger.

For more information on Secret Invasion crossover, you can check out these links below.

Secret Invasion (Comics) Wikipedia

Secret Invasion (Comics) Marvel Wikia

marvel skrull invasion
Skrull Impostors Taking Over

Here is your links to buy "Secret Invasion" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Secret Invasion 01

Secret Invasion 02

Secret Invasion 03

Secret Invasion 04

Secret Invasion 05

Secret Invasion 06

Secret Invasion 07

Secret Invasion 08

Here is your links to buy "Secret Invasion" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Secret Invasion – The Infiltration

Secret Invasion – Who Do You Trust?

Secret Invasion – Home Invasion

Secret Invasion (Softcover)

Secret Invasion (Hardcover)

Several years in making, "Secret Invasion" is a major Marvel Comics crossover event that is collected in an eight issue limited series by writer Brian Michael Bendis (Uncanny X-Men – Revolution, Uncanny X-Men – The Omega Mutant) and artist Leinil Francis Yu (New Avengers – Revolution, New Avengers – The Trust), published in 2008.

A number of mini-series and monthly ongoing series like Avengers – The Initiative, Black Panther, Captain Britain and MI-13, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, Incredible Hercules, Iron Man, Mighty Avengers, Ms. Marvel, New Avengers, New Warriors, Nova, Punisher War Journal, She-Hulk, Thunderbolts and X-Factor served as tie-in.

secret invasion marvel
An Event of Cosmic Relevance

Bendis actually worked on a lot of those interconnected books and it all finally comes together in the end. Building up a subplot from Kree-Skrull War to an encounter in Tarnax IV and then their destruction before setting sights on Earth again, all of that is explored in "New Avengers – Illuminati" five-part limited series from earlier.

A power dynamic that was shifted during Civil War was heavily manipulated by Skrulls and it took life of some characters. Many who returned among friends and family are having trouble coping with a world that sees them as impostors.

Aside from many fractions of Earth heroes, The Hood lead his criminal gang battling against invading aliens and even Norman Osborn has participated with his Thunderbolts team. When Skrulls were all defeated for good, another great threat slowly starts arising from shadows and a "Dark Reign" is ushered, leading to another event.
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