Showing posts with label Iron Man. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Iron Man. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Infinity | Comics

A powerful ancient god-like alien race called The Builders began a trail of destruction across worlds they do not believe deserves existence. When they were razing Earth-13761, Captain Universe was present there and witnessed them extinct that world as they decides to destroy Earth next because they found it imperfect of the creation. On Earth, Captain America and Hawkeye were on a sting operation to bust some Skrulls with Hyperion and Thor, while Abigail Brand guides them.

On Titan space station, Captain Universe was found in a semi-conscious state and his memories reveal the news of the arrival of The Builders on Earth. The Avengers embarks on an interstellar journey to halt The Builders in space and with many other allies from across the universe, they have formed the Galactic Council to oppose them. They have joined forces with The Thunderbolts, Hulk, Mighty Avengers, Nova, Guardians of the Galaxy and Star Brand as Earth remains without its defense.

infinity marvel comics
Infinity | Comics

Corvus Glaive of the Black Order AKA Cull Obsidian sends a genetically engineered being called Outrider to Earth to look for secrets. The creature secretly raided Avengers Tower and Jean Grey School but when it tried to gain information from Black Bolt at Attilan, the former gravely injured it. Nevertheless, the Outrider returned with the information that its master was seeking. Knowing the information he wanted, The Mad Titan; Thanos decides to send his followers, The Black Order to invade Earth to pursue his own purpose.

Black Order faced Earth's secret superhero team called The Illuminati in search for the Infinity Gems and Ebony Maw easily outmatched Earth's sorcerer supreme Doctor Strange. Then Corvus Glaive faced the X-Men on Jean Grey School but the gems are yet not found in their possession. King Black Panther in Wakanda and Namor in the ruins of Atlantis try to defend their territory from Thanos’s lieutenants Black Dwarf and Proxima Midnight.

On behalf of Thanos, Corvus Glaive of the Black Order visits king Black Bolt in New Attilan to demand a tribute from The Inhumans to his master, which is the heads of the Inhuman young-lings from the ages of sixteen and twenty-two or being annihilated along with the Earth’s entire population for disobedience. Black Bolt discovers the true intention of Thanos who is not really after the powerful Infinity Gems this time. He is here to look for his Inhuman-descendant son and kill him, whose location is still unknown to him and anyone else among the heroes.

For more information on Infinity comic event, you can check out these links below.

Infinity (Comics) Wikipedia

Infinity (Comics) Marvel Wikia

cull obsidian marvel
The Cull Obsidian

Here is your links to buy "Infinity" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Infinity 01

Infinity 02

Infinity 03

Infinity 04

Infinity 05

Infinity 06

Here is your links for the "Infinity" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Infinity (Softcover)

Infinity (Hardcover)

Infinity Companion

With the artists team of Jim Cheung (Avengers – The Children's Crusade, Avengers & X-Men – Axis), Jerome Opeña and Dustin Weaver, Marvel Comics have had comic-book writer Jonathan Hickman (Secret Wars, Time Runs Out) concoct the 2013 major crossover comic event “Infinity”. Issues from many other monthly ongoing series like Avengers Assemble, Captain Marvel, Fearless Defenders, Guardians of the Galaxy, Mighty Avengers, Nova, Secret Avengers, Superior Spider-Man Team-Up and Thunderbolts also served as the tie-in issues of this cosmic Marvel adventure.

black bolt vs thanos
Fall of New Attilan

Rumor has it that even though the 2018's Marvel Cinematic Universe live-action release of Avengers: Infinity War takes the legendary "Infinity Gauntlet" arc as their primary plotline, 2013's "Infinity" crossover event will also shape the film's plot to a modern setting. Elements from the crossover such as introducing the Black Order as lackeys of Thanos in the film to do his bidding is possibly one of such. Instead of Black Order, his lackeys are referred as Children of Thanos in the film and Black Dwarf among them is named Cull Obsidian, which is actually an alias for Black Order in the comics.
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Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Guardians of the Galaxy – Cosmic Avengers | Comics

Before Peter Quill became the legendary outlaw of the galaxy known as Star-Lord, he was a little boy from Earth raised by his single mother Meredith Quill. Thirty years ago, before the boy was born, a runaway spaceship crashed onto the front door of Meredith, who then dragged out and rescued the passenger. Little did she know about him that the man is an alien named J'son, who is from the planet Spartax. While staying there for fixing his ship, they both fall in love and she gave birth to Peter once J'son was gone.

Meredith raised the boy on her own but not having a father around made the child grow up to be angry all the time and picking up fights with school bullies. One evening, two Badoon soldiers showed up on their doorstep and killed her but before they could end the "Spartoi bloodline" by killing the boy, Peter shot them both with a shotgun. Before leaving, he finds the Element Gun J'son gave to Meredith as a parting gift and then the Badoon ship blew up the house. Becasue, he couldn't stop the Badoon or Spartax from fighting each other, he wants to make sure that they could never lay their hands on Earth.

guardians of the galaxy cosmic avengers
Guardians of the Galaxy – Cosmic Avengers | Comics

With Star-Lord, Gamora, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon and Groot already in the team, the Guardians have a brand-new member in their fold; the Invincible Iron Man of The Avengers. Tony was only interested in knowing Quill's standpoint on the Badoons invading Earth and after hearing his story, he is all in. Peter Quill was then hanging out on a galactic bar and trying to hit on a Kree girl when his father, J'son of Spartax came in guarded by Spartoi Royal Guards to meet him so that he could tell him in person to stay out of Earth.

It appears that J'son is a member of Galactic Council; an inter-galactic secret counsel comprised of him along with Annihilus, Majestor Kallark/Gladiator of Shi'ar Empire, Queen of the Brood and Supreme Intelligence of Kree. Together the Council has came to the decision to leave Earth be so that it gets a chance to be a part of galactic civilization. As their meeting was getting to a heated argument, Gamora came crushing down the royal guards to rescue Quill, thinking he is in trouble. In space, Iron Man encounters a Badoon warship and prepares to face it but the Guardians of the Galaxy arrive.

They successfully dealt with them but then the remaining Badoon warship enters Earth's atmosphere and starts wrecking havoc in London. Though they couldn't call Fantastic Four, The Avengers, The Defenders, Power Pack or X-Men, Quill and his gang took out the Badoon armada by themselves. The whole gang is then arrested by Spartax soldiers for violating "Spartax Earth Directive" by setting foot on Earth. Before they know a thing, the Guardians are captured and sent to the prison planet after stripping them all off their weapons.

guardians of the galaxy comic
Spartax Earth Directive

Here is your links to buy “Guardians of the Galaxy – Cosmic Avengers" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

01. Guardians of the Galaxy V3 0.1

02. Guardians of the Galaxy V3 01

03. Guardians of the Galaxy V3 02

04. Guardians of the Galaxy V3 03

05. Guardians of the Galaxy – Tomorrow's Avengers 01

Here is your links to buy “Guardians of the Galaxy – Cosmic Avengers" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Guardians of the Galaxy – Cosmic Avengers (Softcover)

Guardians of the Galaxy – Cosmic Avengers (Hardcover)

Starting off the third monthly ongoing series with writer Brian Michael Bendis (Avengers Disassembled, Civil War II) and artist Steve McNiven (Civil War, Death of Wolverine), "Cosmic Avengers" is a story-arc of Guardians of the Galaxy that creates a new path for the favorite cosmic outlaws of Marvel and leads them to a new path. The story came out in 2014 and comprises of issues #01-03 from Guardians of the Galaxy third monthly series including issue #0.1 and Guardians of the Galaxy: Tomorrow 's Avengers one-shot. We can see how Marvel is trying to re-introduce the cosmic outlaws to readers when the live-action Guardians of the Galaxy movie is awaiting release in a few months.

guardians of galaxy marvel
Guardians of Earth

The story gives a never-before seen peak at Star-Lord's not so well-known origin, will also lead to the introduction of a major character in the near future and a lots of adventures that is full of conflict. Plus, Tony Stark hanging out with a group of misfit heroes on space who are not his regular buddies from Avengers was sort of an amusement. Seems like Iron Man fits just fine with the team as any other member they have ever taken in. Since the heroes already have a rocky-start with Badoons, the stakes are going to be high from this point and many new developments will take place on the upcoming arc "Angela".
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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Age of Ultron | Comics

age of ultron
Age of Ultron | Comics
Years ago, scientist Henry Pym created the artificial intelligence called Ultron for peacekeeping, that later turned on the humans and developed a rivalry with The Avengers. For years, Ultron is been considered as the most feared opponent by the heroes as he desires the total annihilation of the human race. Ultron have returned and as it was feared, he took over New York, decimated its population and left it in ruins. Except for the Invisible Woman, all of the Fantastic Four are vanquished in an attack by Ultron Sentinels and in a hidden base Captain America, Emma Frost, Iron Man, Luke Cage, She-Hulk, Susan Storm and Wolverine has taken refuge. The Superior Spider-Man is meanwhile rescued by Hawkeye from the minor villains like Owl and Hammerhead.

With a plan to infiltrate Ultron’s base for attack, Luke Cage and She-Hulk volunteered but once inside, they found The Vision instead of his master. She-Hulk bravely sacrificed herself to let Luke Cage escape with this insight, who informed the heroes about the discovery. When all the gathering heroes travel to the future timeline to encounter Ultron for one last time, Wolverine decides to go back in time to kill Dr. Pym to end up this mess at the first place. What he did not knew then is that the Invisible Woman has secretly traveled in time with him, following Logan. But what change Wolverine’s actions will bring upon the existing regular timeline and what chaos will the universe undergo for a bunch of change in the space time continuum remains a question.

For more information on Age of Ultron event you can check out these links below.

Age of Ultron (Comics) Wikipedia

Age of Ultron (Comics) Marvel Wikia

ultron marvel comics
Submit or Perish
Here is your links for "Age of Ultron" limited series from Marvel Comics in issues.

Age of Ultron 01

Age of Ultron 02

Age of Ultron 03

Age of Ultron 04

Age of Ultron 05

Age of Ultron 06

Age of Ultron 07

Age of Ultron 08

Age of Ultron 09

Age of Ultron 10

Age of Ultron 10A.I.

Here is your links for "Age of Ultron" crossover event from Marvel Comics.

Age of Ultron (Softcover)

ultron vs avengers
Ultron Stands Victorious

Age of Ultron (Hardcover)

Age of Ultron Companion

Released in a 10 issue limited series by the team of Brian Michael Bendis (Avengers Disassembled, Avengers Vs. X-Men), Bryan Hitch (Captain America – Reborn, X-Men Vs. Brood – Day of Wrath), Brandon Peterson, Carlos Pacheco (Bishop, Final Crisis), Butch Guice, Alex Maleev (Daredevil – Lowlife, Daredevil – King of Hell's Kitchen), David Marquez (Civil War II, Invincible Iron Man – Reboot) and Joe Quesada (Daredevil – Guardian Devil, Daredevil – Father), Age of Ultron is a 2013 comic book crossover event by Marvel Comics. This crossover has also merged the planet devourer Galactus with the Ultimate Universe counterpart and the popular Image Comics character Angela is brought to Marvel Universe as well. This event is about to be adapted for the 2015 release “Avengers – Age of Ultron”, a sequel for 2012’s release Marvel’s The Avengers.
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Monday, February 10, 2014

Avengers – X-Sanction | Comics

avengers x-sanction
Avengers – X-Sanction | Comics
Cable has survived the effects of the deadly techno-organic virus inside of his body in the aftermath of “Second Coming” and reaches to an apocalyptic future where he learns from his mentor and ally Blaquesmith that, The Avengers will be responsible for the death of his daughter Hope Summers. So, with only 24 hours to live, he returns from the future with a plan to take down The Avengers, one by one. He first kidnapped the Falcon from the battlefield while the team was dealing with the Lethal Legion, which promptly led him to conflict with Captain America who followed Cable to his hideout and the latter managed to capture him after a brief fight. Iron Man notices Cap’s absence and quickly reached to his location only to find him in Magneto's inhibitor chair.

He soon is attacked by Cable with Stark Technologies from the future timeline and eventually is subdued as the latter has managed to override the defense system in Iron Man’s armor. Next up, the new powerhouse member of The Avengers known as Red Hulk shows up and another fierce battle ensues where Cable managed to take down the powerful Red Hulk. Upon defeating Rulk using the lethal techno-organic virus in his system, Nathan is approached by X-Men's Cyclops and Hope Summers, sent by his mentor. Before he could respond to them Spider-Man and Wolverine arrives to the scene as the last standing Avengers. If not stopped soon, Cable will turn on the rest of The Avengers members one by one and erase their existence from the history.
lethal legion marvel
The Avengers Chasing Lethal Legion
Here is your links for "Avengers – X-Sanction" limited series from Marvel Comics in issues.

Avengers – X-Sanction 01

Avengers – X-Sanction 02

Avengers – X-Sanction 03

Avengers – X-Sanction 04
cable vs the avengers
Cable Breaks The Avengers

Here is your links for this "Avengers – X-Sanction" limited series from Marvel Comics.

Avengers – X-Sanction (Softcover)

Avengers – X-Sanction (Hardcover)

Avengers – X-Sanction is a four issued limited series written by Jeph Loeb (Daredevil – Yellow, Hulk – Gray) and drawn by his long time penciller ally Ed McGuinness (Guardians of The Galaxy, Hulk – Red Hulk), with artist Joe Quesada (Daredevil – Guardian Devil, Daredevil – Father) and Leinil Francis Yu (New Avengers, Secret Invasion) delivering variant covers. It was published by Marvel Comics in 2012 and was the beginning story which led to the next biggest company wide Avengers Vs. X-Men crossover event. The series picked up materials from the "Second Coming" event and served as a prologue to the mega Avengers/X-Men showdown.
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Spider Island | Comics

Peter Parker was at Horizon Lab, fighting villains like Hydro Man and also taking martial arts lessons from Shang-Chi in his free time, learning "The Way of the Spider". Spider-Man met Madame Web, who alarms him of an upcoming trouble in his life but he thinks this is meaningless. One of Spider-Man's oldest foe, The Jackal returns, with a scheme to ruin Peter's personal life.

spider island comics
Spider Island | Comics

He recruits a severely mutated Kaine; the first clone of Peter Parker, now dubbed as Tarantula and then starts gathering other super-villains with Spider-Powers to his cause. Peter learns of his girlfriend Carlie Cooper is now having spider-powers, followed by a news bulletin that reveals that hundreds of New York's citizens also have displayed currently gained spider-like powers.

As The Avengers were engaged in cleaning up of the city, Shang-Chi was able to pick the real Spider-Man among all the Spider-Men rampaging through the city, who were all given the spider costume by The Jackal. Peter is enlightened in this situation after a brief discussion with Mary Jane in the midst of this chaos. Meanwhile, Eddie Brock is back as Anti-Venom and he's curing people off their spider abilities.

Even The Avengers arrived at the scene to help New York fight this Spider Virus. Along with Carlie Cooper, Peter soon sneaks into The Jackal's lab, unknown of the fact that they are being watched and this whole landscape was actually devised by The Queen. Spider-Man will have to face against The Tarantula sent by The Queen in the most challenging battle ever.

For more information on Spider Island crossover, you can check out these links below.

Spider Island (Comics) Wikipedia

Spider Island (Comics) Marvel Wikia

city of spiders
The City of Spiders

Here is your links for "Spider-Island" crossover event from Marvel Comics in issues.

01. Amazing Spider-Man 666

02. Venom V2 05

03. Amazing Spider-Man 667

04. Spider-Island – Cloak and Dagger 01

05. Spider-Island – Deadly Foes 01

06. Venom V2 06

07. Spider-Island – Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 01

08. Spider-Island – Amazing Spider-Girl 01

09. Spider-Island – I Love New York 01

10. Amazing Spider-Man 668

11. Spider-Island – Cloak and Dagger 02

12. Spider-Island – Avengers 01

13. Herc 07

14. Amazing Spider-Man 669

15. Spider-Island – Amazing Spider-Girl 02

16. Venom V2 07

17. Herc 08

18. Spider-Island – Spider-Woman 01

19. Amazing Spider-Man 670

20. Spider-Island – Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 02

21. Spider-Island – Heroes for Hire 01

22. Spider-Island – Cloak and Dagger 03

23. Black Panther 524

24. Amazing Spider-Man 671

25. Spider-Island – Deadly Hands of Kung Fu 03

26. Spider-Island – Amazing Spider-Girl 03

27. Venom V2 08

28. Amazing Spider-Man 672

29. Amazing Spider-Man 673

Here is your links for "Spider-Island" crossover event from Marvel Comics.

Spider-Man – Spider-Island (Softcover)

Spider-Man – Spider-Island (Hardcover)

Spider-Man – Spider-Island Companion (Softcover)

Spider-Man – Spider-Island Companion (Hardcover)

Following the aftermath of the "Big Time" storyline, Spider Island is a 2011's major comic crossover event by Marvel Comics, prominently featuring The Amazing Spider-Man. This event was a grand story by writer Dan Slott (Mighty Avengers, She-Hulk) and the awesome pencil works were delivered by the amazing Humberto Ramos (Superior Spider-Man, Wolverine).

spiderman mary jane
The Amazing Spider-Manhattan

Along with the monthly ongoing The Amazing Spider-Man series that contained the core issues, Black Panther – The Most Dangerous Man Alive, Herc, Spider-Island – The Amazing Spider-Girl, Spider-Island – Avengers, Spider Island – Cloak and Dagger, Spider-Island – Deadly Hands of Kung Fu and the second volume of Venom served as the tie-in to the core plot.
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