Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Invincible | Comics

image comics invincible
Invincible | Comics
Not everyone on planet earth is born to be a superhero one day with cool superhero name and amazing powers. Not until you are Mark Grayson, son of Nolan and Deborah Grayson. Mark’s father was the superhero Omni-Man from Viltrum’s royal family who told his son that one day he will develop superpowers just like him and eventually he did developed his powers. So, he begins his journey with the name ‘Invincible’ which his principal suggested that he is not upon engaging some bullies and soon found other teen heroes in Teen Team around. He stopped an alien invasion of the Flaxans with his father and then along with Teen Team member Atom Eve, successfully foiled a sinister plan of a teacher in the school before fighting his fathers’ enemy Allen the Alien.

As Invincible, Mark is attacked by The Reanimen which caused his secret identity bust out to William Clockwell, faces an awry situation with Atom Eve regarding her relationship and then he learned that the Guardians of the The Globe are dead. He experienced many adventures and came to know from his father of a different heritage of their own which leads him to a battle with Omni-Man. The battle left him in coma for a brief time and upon recovery, he starts working for Government. As Invincible started to grown up in costume he start dating Eve and stopping alien invasion every other Tuesday became a common job for him until things got bigger to handle and Omni-Man had to step in.

For more information on Invincible comics series, you can check out these links below.

Invincible (Comics) Wikipedia

Invincible (Comics) Wikia
ryan ottley invincible
The Mighty Viltrumites
Here is your links for "Invincible" comics from Image Comics.

Invincible Vol 01 – Family Matters

Invincible Vol 02 – Eight is Enough

Invincible Vol 03 – Perfect Strangers

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 01

Invincible Vol 04 – Head of the Class

Invincible Vol 05 – The Facts of Life

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 02

The Complete Invincible Library Vol 01

Invincible Vol 06 – A Different World

Invincible Vol 07 – Three's Company

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 03

Invincible Vol 08 – My Favorite Martian

Invincible Vol 09 – Out of This World

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 04

The Complete Invincible Library Vol 02

Invincible Compendium Vol 01

Invincible Vol 10 – Who's the Boss?

Invincible Vol 11 – Happy Days

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 05

Invincible Vol 12 – Still Standing

Invincible Vol 13 – Growing Pains

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 06

The Complete Invincible Library Vol 03

Invincible Vol 14 – The Viltrumite War

Invincible Vol 15 – Get Smart

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 07

Invincible Vol 16 – Family Ties

Invincible Vol 17 – What's Happening?

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 08

Invincible Compendium Vol 02

Invincible Vol 18 – The Death of Everyone

Invincible Vol 19 – The War at Home

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 09

Invincible Vol 20 – Friends
mark grayson invincible
Invincible Fights Alien Monster

Invincible Vol 21 – Modern Family

Invincible – Ultimate Collection Hardcover Vol 10

Invincible Presents – Atom Eve & Rex Splode, Vol 01

Artist Cory Walker and writer Robert Kirkman (Battle PopeThe Walking Dead) had created the character Invincible which first debuted on the first issue of ‘Tech Jacket’ in 2002 and a cameo appearance in the third issue of ‘Noble Causes – Family Secrets’ later on the same year. The character received its solo ongoing series from Image Comics in 2003 from the same writer with artworks delivered by Ryan Ottley (Grizzlyshark, Haunt) and in publication from since. Other popular Image Comics characters like The Astounding Wolf-Man, Brit, Darkness, Firebreather, Pitt, Savage Dragon, Shadowhawk, Spawn, Superpatriot and Witchblade would also often make cameo in the series.
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

JLA/Avengers | Comics

jla avengers crossover
JLA/Avengers | Comics
An exiled Oan villain named Krona from DC Universe is out to seek the secret of the universe's origin and destroys several realities and realms upon failing in his quest as well as the Crime Syndicate. Grandmaster; the alien entity from Marvel Universe approaches Krona with a proposition to arrange a game to collect twelve different items from the two universes by the JLA and The Avengers. They will participate in this contest on behalf of them and if Krona wins the game then he will learn what he seeks for. Krona and Grandmaster are given the heroes from their alternate universe. Metron approaches the two super teams and tricks them into this galactic game without knowing the reasons behind it.

Meanwhile, the JLA battles the villainous Terminus from their alternate reality and has finally defeated it in Keystone City. Starro the conqueror attacks on New York and is confronted by the Avengers. After facing the Scarlet Witch's chaos magic, the star conqueror fled to space in horror. When the JLA are visited by the Grandmaster, who enlighten them about their objectives except the fact behind the game and they travel to Earth-616 to collect the items he told them about. There they met the heroic Avengers and as both teams assume the other as enemies, they engage in an all-out battle royal where the toughest Joes from each side starts throwing their best feat at each other.

For more information on the JLA/Avengers crossover limited series, you can check out these links below.

JLA/Avengers (Comics) Wikipedia

JLA/Avengers (Comics) DC Wikia

jla/avengers comic
Greatest of All Worlds
Here is your links for “JLA/Avengers" crossover limited series from Marvel Comics and DC Comics in issues.

JLA/Avengers 01

JLA/Avengers 02

JLA/Avengers 03

dc vs marvel
Contest of The Finests

JLA/Avengers 04

Here is your links for “JLA/Avengers" crossover limited series from Marvel Comics and DC Comics.

JLA/Avengers (Softcover)

JLA/Avengers (Hardcover)

JLA/Avengers is a 2003 inter company limited series crossover event by DC Comics and Marvel Comics. This four issue storyline is created by writer Kurt Buisek and artist George Pèrez. It's the biggest crossover of the two industry giant in comic history featuring JLA of the DC Comics and the Avengers from the Marvel Comics as these two teams are forced to work together to haul a common enemy who threatens their reality.
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Sunday, January 14, 2007

Batman – Hush | Comics

Batman goes up against a mysterious foe who send him up against Catwoman, Joker, Killer Croc, Poison Ivy and even Superman!

To save a kidnapped boy from the clutches of Killer Croc after tracking him down Batman goes and have a brief fight with his captor but before S.W.A.T. team arrives, the ransom money is surprisingly stolen by Catwoman, who remained unnoticed to everyone else. The Dark Knight however, sees her trail and starts to give a chase over the rooftops.

In mid air, someone cut his Bat-Line from the shadows and caused him to fall on ground from a great height. He receives a severe damage to skull and couldn't move at all while landing on the vile streets of Crime Alley. When he was falling to his uncertain fate, she was completely unaware of it and ran off with the money to hand it over to Poison Ivy.

Unable to even move a muscle, Batman is surrounded by street thugs and Oracle sends out a distress signal to fellow vigilantes for his rescue. Fortunately Huntress was nearly and she responds to the emergency signal by arriving to rescue The Bat as soon as she could. She fought her hardest to a standstill until transportation was sent to their location.

She puts his body inside the Batmobile and it takes off before she leaves too in her motorcycle, as someone watches over and makes remark about the importance of friends in life. In Batcave, Alfred Pennyworth patches him up and a near-unconscious Bruce tells him thorough Morse code to call his childhood friend Thomas Elliot.

Tommy Elliot is a renowned neurosurgeon of the world and a close personal friend of Bruce Wayne, who performs a brain surgery on him to save his life. When slightly recovered, he starts investigating about the fall and confronted Killer Croc again in Arkham Asylum. Croc didn't respond very well and was seemingly more agitated than his usual self.

batman hush cover dc comics catwoman
Batman – Hush | Comics

He then unexpectedly proceeds to break out of his cell to make an escape upon tossing out everyone on his way. Batman immediately goes after him but the tire of Batmobile was shot during this chase, which threw him off the track for a brief time. Croc has gotten his hands onto Catwoman and he was about to off her for stealing his money.

She was saved at the last moment by the Caped Crusader and Selina reveals that she stole the money for Ivy in a mind-controlled state. These two head over to Metropolis for further investigation only to encounter Poison Ivy with a mind-controlled Superman at her side. It took almost everything for The Dark Knight just to restrain Man of Steel.

The duo gets back to Gotham City to gather at an Opera as Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle without knowing each other's secret identity, along with Tommy Elliot and Leslie Thompkins. The stage is taken by Harley Quinn and her masked henchmen, so Batman had to intervene but she goes all out guns blazing and Catwoman ended up getting shot.

Changing back to his cowl, Batman chases after Harley hears a gunshot outside, which led him to The Joker looming over the lifeless body of his pal Tommy Elliot. In a violent fit of rage, he viciously beats the clown down with an inch of his life and both Selina and Commissioner Jim Gordon finally managed to stop him from crossing the line.

Following the funeral for Tommy, Nightwing came to see Bruce and they go out to stop the Riddler after an armored car robbery. At this point, Bruce and Selina both knew about their dual life as they have chosen to trust each other with their secret.

Trails from Lazarus Pit lead him to seek attention of Ra's al Ghul by kidnapping his daughter Talia al Ghul following a showdown between the two while Lady Shiva savagely beats down Catwoman to a pulp. A run-in with Scarecrow causes Huntress to turn against Selina and Harvey Dent makes a surprising return, who is no longer Two-Face.

Batman is suspicious about a resourceful new mysterious enemy working from shadows who is responsible for his allies and enemies to acting weird and out of their characters. This is someone who knows a lot about him and he cannot even trust his allies now. Plus, a person believed long-dead from past makes a surprise return to haunt him.

For more information on Batman – Hush storyline, you can check out these links below.

Batman – Hush (Comics) Wikipedia

Batman – Hush (Comics) DC Wikia

batman dc comics jim lee catwoman
Against Unknown Foe

Here is your links to buy “Batman – Hush" from DC Comics in issues on Amazon.

Batman 608

Batman 609

Batman 610

Batman 611

Batman 612

Batman 613

Batman 614

Batman 615

Batman 616

Batman 617

Batman 618

Batman 619

Here is your links to buy “Batman – Hush" from DC Comics on Amazon.

Batman – Hush Vol 01 (Softcover)

Batman – Hush Vol 01 (Hardcover)

Batman – Hush Vol 02 (Softcover)

Batman – Hush Vol 02 (Hardcover)

Batman – Hush

Absolute Batman – Hush

Batman Noir – Hush

Batman – Hush Unwrapped Deluxe

"Hush" is a 2002 milestone epic Batman storyline created by two comic-book legends; writer Jeph Loeb (Batman – Dark Victory, Catwoman – When in Rome) and superstar artist Jim Lee (Superman – For Tomorrow, X-Men – Mutant Genesis) that is collected in issue #608-619 from the original monthly ongoing Batman series from DC Comics.

This is a tour in modern-day Gotham City with The Dark Knight exploring a dark chapter of his life, questioning new stand of his old friends and foes. His trusty butler Alfred Pennyworth, regular crime-fighting partners Nightwing, Robin and Oracle, old friend James Gordon, Leslie Thompkins, Huntress and even Harold Allnut showed up throughout the plot.

jim lee batman dc comics poison ivy hush
Mystery of Hush

Other notable characters such as Suicide Squad director Amanda Waller, Green Lantern Alan Scott, Lex Luthor, Daily Planet photographer Jimmy Olsen, reporter Lois Lane and her boss Perry White, his former love-interest Talia al Ghul made special appearances. Then there was someone who came back visiting from the grave and beyond.

Story and artwork of this tale are absolute praiseworthy, which is why this saga is considered as one of the best Batman graphic novel of all time. While building up its own complication "Hush" also developed pathway for upcoming "Under The Hood" storyline that awaits a major revelation on an unresolved past mystery, bound to shake things up.
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