Monday, November 15, 2010

Secret Invasion | Comics

Skrulls have been planning to invade Earth for long and launches a "Secret Invasion" to replace all heroes with imposters!

For ages, Earth has been a major target of invasion by many alien cultures and races, including Skrulls. However, each time they attempt for assault has been successfully prevented by various superhero groups, most notably Fantastic Four. Nevertheless, they still believed the planet is rightfully theirs because of an ancient prophecy.

After Earth has survived Kree-Skrull War, a group of heroes formed The Illuminati to repel such attack in future and traveled to their homeworld, Tarnax IV to warn them not to make any further moves against Earth but not only their warnings are ignored, they captured and tortured the group before they managed to flee.

Emperor Dorrek VII ordered his men to create a new breed of Super-Skrulls for an invasion. He was warned by Princess Veranke of a prophecy but she and her followers of Dard'van religious cult were all banished to a distant planet. Her words came true in later years as Galactus decimated Skrull homeworld during Annihilation War.

Without a planet of their own and nowhere to go, surviving Skrulls have sought Veranke out and elect her as their new Skrull Empress, who planned an invasion on Earth. They slowly start replacing their agents among super-human community before "House of M" and Veranke posed herself as Spider-Woman to join New Avengers.

After "Death of Captain America" and Civil War coming to an end, they infiltrated every group of 50-State Initiative. With Scarlet Witch thinning out mutant population and Thor being dead, all they had to worry about was Doctor Strange and Sentry. World War Hulk took care of Hulk and Nick Fury went underground following Secret War.

secret invasion marvel comics brian michael bendis gabriele dell'otto
Secret Invasion | Comics

Things became more evident when Elektra is killed by Echo in a battle against New Avengers, she is revealed to be a Skrull and Spider-Woman informed Iron Man about this. Then Illuminati member Black Bolt of Inhumans came out as another Super-Skrull in disguise that fought all of its teammates before being killed by Prince Namor.

Tony Stark brought in Henry Pym and Reed Richards to examine the corpse of Elektra-Skrull to find out how to detect them as they are prone to magic, mutant powers and even technological scans. He then is called by Agent Brand of S.W.O.R.D. to inform about a Skrull ship crash-landing on Savage Land and leaves immediately.

Both teams of Mighty Avengers and New Avengers reached to crash site, where they see their counterparts from 1970 coming out of Skrull ship. At that exact moment, an imposter Dum Dum Dugan blows up S.W.O.R.D. headquarters and Iron Man armor starts malfunctioning due to an alien virus being uploaded to his mainframe.

As Tony collapses down, S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier lost control and Commander Maria Hill ordered everyone out. Another breakout at Raft occurs, freeing villains like Armadillo, Doctor Doom, Mandrill and Shockwave. Baxter Building of Fantastic Four gets sucked into a large portal of Negative Zone by a Skrull agent disguised as Susan Storm.

When Mister Fantastic finally figured out how Skrulls have managed to become undetectable, Hank Pym shot him with a laser weapon. Asking for help from the void of space, Agent Brand sees invasion fleet of Skrulls heading towards Earth.

Ares realizes this to be a trap and advises his fellow heroes to head for mainland but things quickly got heated between them. Two opposing sides assembled in Savage Land engage in a massive brawl that is soon broke up by a rampaging dinosaur. Tony gets busy to rebuild his armor in Mutate Citadel and sends Ms. Marvel away to fight.

A group of Super-Skrulls arrives at Manhattan and only members of Young Avengers were there to face them. Meanwhile, Fury has been assembling a team of new Howling Commandos and joins battle to turn its tide. As things starts getting intense, a certain God of Thunder appears out of nowhere along with a Star-Spangled Avenger.

For more information on Secret Invasion crossover, you can check out these links below.

Secret Invasion (Comics) Wikipedia

Secret Invasion (Comics) Marvel Wikia

marvel skrull invasion
Skrull Impostors Taking Over

Here is your links to buy "Secret Invasion" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Secret Invasion 01

Secret Invasion 02

Secret Invasion 03

Secret Invasion 04

Secret Invasion 05

Secret Invasion 06

Secret Invasion 07

Secret Invasion 08

Here is your links to buy "Secret Invasion" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Secret Invasion – The Infiltration

Secret Invasion – Who Do You Trust?

Secret Invasion – Home Invasion

Secret Invasion (Softcover)

Secret Invasion (Hardcover)

Several years in making, "Secret Invasion" is a major Marvel Comics crossover event that is collected in an eight issue limited series by writer Brian Michael Bendis (Uncanny X-Men – Revolution, Uncanny X-Men – The Omega Mutant) and artist Leinil Francis Yu (New Avengers – Revolution, New Avengers – The Trust), published in 2008.

A number of mini-series and monthly ongoing series like Avengers – The Initiative, Black Panther, Captain Britain and MI-13, Deadpool, Guardians of the Galaxy, Incredible Hercules, Iron Man, Mighty Avengers, Ms. Marvel, New Avengers, New Warriors, Nova, Punisher War Journal, She-Hulk, Thunderbolts and X-Factor served as tie-in.

secret invasion marvel
An Event of Cosmic Relevance

Bendis actually worked on a lot of those interconnected books and it all finally comes together in the end. Building up a subplot from Kree-Skrull War to an encounter in Tarnax IV and then their destruction before setting sights on Earth again, all of that is explored in "New Avengers – Illuminati" five-part limited series from earlier.

A power dynamic that was shifted during Civil War was heavily manipulated by Skrulls and it took life of some characters. Many who returned among friends and family are having trouble coping with a world that sees them as impostors.

Aside from many fractions of Earth heroes, The Hood lead his criminal gang battling against invading aliens and even Norman Osborn has participated with his Thunderbolts team. When Skrulls were all defeated for good, another great threat slowly starts arising from shadows and a "Dark Reign" is ushered, leading to another event.
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Monday, November 1, 2010

Amazing Spider-Man – New Ways to Die | Comics

Spider-Man faces a new goblin Menace while being hunted down by Norman Osborn and his Thunderbolts.

For long, Peter Parker has been fighting crime as the Amazing Spider-Man and selling his own photos to J. Jonah Jameson at Daily Bugle. Even though JJJ was bashing his alter-ego, he was okay with the paycheck but ever since Dexter Bennett became his new boss, he has been feeling like being forced to cross a line and so, he quit the job.

Lately, he has faced a new goblin named Menace, who was vandalizing campaign ads for mayoral candidate Bill Hollister and had a run-in with him. They exchanged blows and then the hero is left under rubbles as it escaped. He sees a wave of people coming out of that building and takes some photos for the sake of a possible news story.

Since Dexter Bennett had him blacklisted at every paper in town, he goes to the office of Front Line, an independent newspaper ran by Ben Urich. They assume it to be an illegal sweatshop upon looking at the photos, even found links to it with another mayoral candidate Randall Crowne and they published a piece on him the next day.

Worried about his campaign, Crowne calls in his old friend who is the new sheriff in town, Norman Osborn and former super-villain Green Goblin. They agreed to a deal that Osborn will bring his parade of goons in Thunderbolts to apprehend the web-slinger. Plus, there is a story of a "Spider-Tracer Killer", which really makes it all easy to follow.

Bennett from DB sends Betty Brant to investigate a rumor of terminally ill patients getting miraculously healed in the homeless shelter at F.E.A.S.T. Center ran by billionaire Martin Li. She finds cancer patient and former host of Venom symbiote Eddie Brock residing there as a volunteer ever since Li has offered him a second chance at life.

amazing spider man venom suit
Amazing Spider Man – New Ways To Die | Comics

To capture Spider-Man, who is now a fugitive with murder acquisitions, Osborn led a raid on the apartment of Peter Parker with Radioactive Man, Songbird and Venom from his Dark Avengers team to interrogate him about how to contact the wall-crawler as he keeps taking his photos for years and must have some means to contact him.

Even though Os-Man has no idea about Parker secretly being the Webhead he is looking for, he suspects they have some sort of working relationship. However, Normie had to leave Pete alone upon the arrival of his policeman roommate Vin Gonzales. Meanwhile, Eddie has discovered that he's been miraculously cured of his cancer.

Director Osborn sends his Thunderbolts team looking for Spider-Man over the city but the hero sneaks into his lair to confront the madman after taking down his security officials and webbing up Bullseye. When he hears Mac Gargan heading to F.E.A.S.T. Center looking for him, Spidey immediately rushes after the maniac to save Aunt May.

Gargan ran into Brock there and the latter suddenly transforms into Anti-Venom in response to the presence of a Venom symbiote nearby when it tried to bond with him again. Brock starts attacking both Venom and Spidey at the same time but ultimately concentrating on the former to cure him off his symbiote, considering it a plague on humanity.

Brock then teams up with the wall-crawler to take down rest of the Thunderbolts, who were eagerly waiting to get a piece of them. From a nearby roof, Osborn was observing the fight and then has a run-in with Menace, who comes at him out of nowhere but the former goblin quickly turn things around into his favor and throw off the attacker.

He then calls of Songbird and the other with the de-powered Gargan and back at Oscorp, he produces a counter formula using Anti-Venom's white symbiote substance. He also reverse engineered a targeting system using Peter Parker's camera from the roof for his henchmen to have a lock on Spider-Man's chest and shoot him down.

While sorting out personal issues regarding his girlfriend Lily Hollister and her father Bill being hospitalized after an attack from Menace, Harry Osborn finds out that his father has not changed to normal at all and is back in his goblin persona. Each with their own goal in mind, Anti-Venom and Spider-Man teams up to take the fight to enemy.

anti venom vs venom marvel comics
Anti-Venom Vs. Venom

For more information on Amazing Spider-Man – New Ways to Die storyline, you can check out these links below.

Amazing Spider-Man – New Ways to Die (Comics) Wikipedia

Amazing Spider-Man – New Ways to Die (Comics) Wikia

Here is your links to buy "Amazing Spider-Man – New Ways to Die" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Amazing Spider-Man 568

Amazing Spider-Man 569

Amazing Spider-Man 570

Amazing Spider-Man 571

Amazing Spider-Man 572

Amazing Spider-Man 573

Here is your links to buy "Amazing Spider-Man – New Ways to Die" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Amazing Spider-Man – New Ways to Die (Softcover)

Amazing Spider-Man – New Ways to Die (Hardcover)

"New Ways to Die" is a six part comic-book storyline that took place in Amazing Spider-Man monthly ongoing series from Marvel Comics in 2008, collecting issues #568-573. Writer Dan Slott (She-Hulk, Silver Surfer) and Mark Waid (Daredevil, Fantastic Four) collaborated with artist John Romita Jr. (Avengers Vs. X-Men, World War Hulk) on this one.

Eddie Brock is no longer Venom and earlier, he was diagnosed with cancer (Spectacular Spider-Man – The Hunger). It happened because of his long exposure to the symbiote and it then chose former Scorpion, Mac Gargan as the newest host. Eddie has become Anti-Venom, latest member to the symbiote-family and an arch-enemy to the black suit.

norman osborn green goblin marvel comics
The Osborn Supremacy

As the events of "One More Day" takes effect, neither Brock nor Osborn knows who Spidey is anymore and in a situation like he is right now where almost everyone wants him dead, it is one of the blessings Peter counts on. Now, one of them chases him and the other becomes a temporary ally who offers a helping hand against an awful odd.

Following his transformation, Eddie became more powerful than ever and at the same time, became friendlier than his usual "Lethal Protector" style. Though Martin Li remained inert for this plot, he may have larger plans to execute in future as Mister Negative. Osborn will return with another of his scheme in the next arc "American Son".
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Hulk – Red Hulk | Comics

In the aftermath from destructive World War Hulk event occurred previously, a new chapter on Hulk's life has begun as Bruce Banner is now taken to custody and locked into Gamma Base. As some unusual activities are detected on the Canadian wilderness recently, a mysterious figure is detected approaching pretty fast and is attacked by Wendigo, who is viciously killed in battle and a major seismic activity is then detected on ground. What follows next is that, one of Hulk's strongest and most deadly arch-nemesis for years; The Abomination is mysteriously killed.

Everyone is shocked at the brutality of this murder after finding Emil Blonsky's deceased corpse in a village near Russia. Banner's close friend Doc Samson and cousin She-Hulk are sent to investigate the situation along with Maria Hill, General Ross and Iron Man; the new director of S.H.I.E.L.D. There, they faced Russian superhero team Winter Guard on scene during their investigation. Both parties argued and in the heat of the situation, Samson hits Red Guardian, which prompts an instant hostility between She-Hulk and Ursa Major.

the incredible hulk
Hulk – Red Hulk | Comics

Seeing everyone else fighting each other, Crimson Dynamo feels cocky and starts shooting at Iron Man but Tony knocked him down with a repulsor blast. Fight escalates and argument arises while Ross decides to be a voice of reason. They apparently found a little girl who survived among the few other villagers and only said a word which means "Red". Ross and Samson head back to Gamma Base finding no other possible explanation for these bizarre happenings, to get an expert opinion from none other than Bruce Banner.

Meanwhile, Banner's long-time ally Rick Jones suddenly wakes up and finds himself on the Alaskan Frontier without a memory of what happened with him. Then the new Helicarrier of S.H.I.E.L.D. is suddenly attacked and destroyed by some unforeseen force, while all classified files on Hulk are also erased by a virus. It grabbed She-Hulk before she could even move and then easily knocked her out cold. This mysterious entity is revealed itself to be a Hulk but only in "Red" and he is headed straight to Gamma Base. Looking for Banner, Rick Jones arrives at Gamma Base only to be confronted by Red-Hulk.

Rick then transforms into a Hulk-like creature as well but his appearance is more resembled to Abomination, calling himself A-Bomb. A clash between him and Red Hulk shook the place to its core and caused Bruce Banner to turn into Hulk as his containment unit tries to force sleep by using gas. Finally, actual green Hulk decides to face "Red" and it's time for some major collateral damage on the face of Earth. Even Uatu the Watcher showed up to witness this fight and got punched on his face by the Red Menace. Also, The Mighty Thor returns to Midgard for stopping the rampage of both Hulks.

a-bomb hulk
Red Hulk vs A-Bomb

Here is your links to buy “Hulk – Red Hulk" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Hulk V2 01

Hulk V2 02

Hulk V2 03

Hulk V2 04

Hulk V2 05

Hulk V2 06

Here is your links to buy “Hulk – Red Hulk" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Hulk – Red Hulk (Softcover)

Hulk – Red Hulk (Hardcover)

Renowned comic-book writer Jeph Loeb (Cable, Daredevil – Yellow) and artist Ed McGuinness (Avengers – X-Sanction, Deadpool) are long time collaborator who did some famous work together and teamed up again to create the next level storyline for the green goliath on 2008 and the storyline is published by Marvel Comics during the post World War Hulk event. The storyline titled “Hulk – Red Hulk” ran in the second volume of Hulk from issues #01-06 and introduced a new character named Red Hulk who made his first appearance in the first issue of the story.

hulk vs thor
Rolling Thunder

We see the demise of long-time S.H.I.E.L.D. agent Clay Quartermain and heroes of the likes of Ares, Human Torch, Sub-Mariner and The Thing assembled for a final showdown against the Red Hulk. A recently reborn Thor (Thor – Rebirth) has also made a short-appearance to go against the dreadful menace that has been taking every other Joe who could make a muscle. The identity of this new character is still kept under wraps as it looks like Marvel is going to use his incognito status in a few more stories to build around the character.
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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ultimates 3 – Who Killed The Scarlet Witch? | Comics

On Tony Stark's mansion at Fifth Avenue, members of superhero team The Ultimates have gathered as a video tape of Tony having an intercourse with their former traitorous teammate Black Widow was playing. Hawkeye was making remarks on the sex tape, which is out now on ABC and CNN as well, while Wasp was unsuccessfully trying to comfort Stark about Natasha's betrayal and an eventual death. Scarlet Witch and her brother Quicksilver gets up to tend some of their personal matters but Clint reminds them that their meeting is yet not over only to have Pietro lash out at him.

Janet is still trying to talk about a possible security breach that led to this unfortunate triple-X disaster and trying to find answer to that, Tony pour another drink. Suddenly, the mansion wall broke with The Mighty Thor came crushing followed by symbiotic nightmare known as Venom. He came looking for some woman no one had any clue about but Black Panther and Hawkeye took him outside for Wasp to join them shortly. Moments later, Valkyrie jumps off from a black winged Pegasus straight to battle and sliced Venom in half.

ultimates 3 marvel joe mad
Ultimates 3 – Who Killed The Scarlet Witch | Comics

The villain quickly overpowers her and proceeds to slay her with her sword when he is struck by a powerful lightning blast and perishes. Thor arrives to reunite with his lover and these two started to make out. Firing a few more shot at Venom's corpse, Clint Barton went looking for T'Challa. Before leaving, Pietro and Wanda came across Captain America, who suggests her to wear something less revealing, which irked Quicksilver. Janet explains to him that even though they are brothers and sisters, they are in love with each other.

Wasp then goes to see her ex, Hank Pym who was formerly Giant Man and is currently under house arrest. Though she thought that Hank has probably fallen asleep but it appears he is overdosed with drugs and now unconscious. Pietro and Wanda were out in public when they hear a "BANG!" and the former ran after the speeding bullet. Telling her to stay down, he kept running but it turns and even after seemingly catching it, the bullet hit Scarlet Witch through one of her hexes. A doctor from crowd comes forward to check on her condition and after performing CPR on her, he declares her dead.

Clint attacks on Spider-Man thinking that he has something to do with Venom attacking them recently and in the meantime, Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy broke into mansion. Tony was having nightmares of Natasha Romanova, which turned out to be Mystique in disguise. Lorelei takes over Thor and made him attack Valkyrie, Blob went after Wasp but Iron Man came to her rescue, Cap takes on Sabretooth while Hawkeye shots down Jamie Madrox' Multiple Man. To make matters worse, Magneto decided to show up at their doorstep, followed by a feral X-Men member, Wolverine.

ultimate wolverine comic
Perils of Savage Land

For more information on Ultimates 3 limited series, you can check out the link below.

Ultimates 3 (Comics) Wikipedia

Here is your links to buy "Ultimates 3 – Who Killed The Scarlet Witch?" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Ultimates 3 01

Ultimates 3 02

Ultimates 3 03

Ultimates 3 04

Ultimates 3 05

Here is your links to buy "Ultimates 3 – Who Killed The Scarlet Witch?" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Ultimates 3 – Who Killed The Scarlet Witch? (Softcover)

Ultimates 3 – Who Killed The Scarlet Witch? (Hardcover)

Ultimates 3 is a five issue limited series monthly comic-book published by Marvel Comics in 2009. The story is plotted by writer Jeph Loeb (Daredevil – Yellow, Hulk – Gray) and illustrated by the extraordinarily talented artist Joe Madureira (Astonishing X-Men, Uncanny X-Men). When first released, it was named "Sex, Lies, and DVD" but that sounded too corny even for a graphic novel and so it was later changed into "Who Killed The Scarlet Witch?" to be more appropriate. Some critics loved it and some criticized it for not having any serious depth of story from an Eisner winner nominee.

ultimate thor mjolnir marvel
Wrath of Thunder God

There is a trip to Savage Land, where we meet Ka-Zar and Shanna along with a few other recurring characters from Ultimate Marvel Universe. Some grim foreshadowing of the upcoming "Ultimatum" event was there considering the entire setup for this story seems a lot darker than usual Ultimate Universe books in general. The writing have some serious downsides that people hated but it can still be overlooked in exchange for some fantabulous artwork from the one and only artist Joe Mad. Joe's amazing art style took The Ultimates to a higher level and gave us a whole new point of view to look at it!
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

New Avengers – Secret Invasion | Comics

Illuminati of Earth heroes journeying into Skrull throneworld to Raft breakout, all stories connects to "Secret Invasion".

Right after freeing his gang from S.H.I.E.L.D. captivity, The Hood launches an attack on New Avengers at Sanctum Sanctorum and thanks to Doctor Strange they were all defeated. Jessica Jones ran off with her child Danielle worrying about her safety and showed up at Avengers Tower, asking for asylum and willing to register.

Searching for his wife, Luke Cage goes to her old office of Alias Investigations but then figured out where she is at. They have an argument about principles that she has ditched now and this move has now endangered their marriage. Ms. Marvel and her Mighty Avengers showed up shortly after to break their heated conversation.

Danny Rand manages an apartment for renegade Avengers members that he got through his corporation. Echo seem not to believe in Skrull conspiracy theory Wolverine came up with and goes out looking for Daredevil. She gets ambushed by a Skrull posing as him and she was saved only for the timely arrival of Logan who followed her.

Years ago, right after members of Illuminati visited Skrull throneworld following Kree-Skrull War to warn them about interfering on Earth and destroyed their capital city; they were captured and tortured by running experiment. Before they successfully escaped back home, Skrulls extracted information vital about them.

new avengers secret invasion marvel comics brian michael bendis billy tan david mack jim cheung michael gaydos
New Avengers – Secret Invasion | Comics

Emperor Dorrek VII ordered his scientists to examine and start working on their recent findings to come up with a perfect solution for an infiltration on Earth. He is soon approached by a Skrull princess Veranke and her followers form a deeply religious sect Dard'van, who warns him of a prophecy that foretold an end for Skrull Empire.

Seeing his authority challenged, Dorrek declared her mad and exiled her on a deserted planet to die. Her words will eventually come true when Galactus would devour their homeworld during Annihilation War. Remaining survivors of her race finds Veranke and made her a Skrull Empress, who immediately resumed Secret Invasion on Earth.

In years of experimenting, Skrull royal priests of sciences have finally discovered how to create a new batch of Super-Skrull, who could infiltrate among humans without being detected by magic, mutant powers or tech. Veranke wishes to take a role leading their religious crusade and chose to pose as Spider-Woman to do most damage.

In Savage Land, Luke and his fellow New Avengers members go to check on a Skrull ship that just crash landed on. They are all scrambled when a T-Rex attacked and Spider-Man comes across natives led by Ka-Zar and Shanna. Though they were not the enemy he assumed, an imposter Captain America showed up out of Skrull ship.

He beat them all and attempted to get back to New York but not before he was shot with darts and his true form is revealed. Ka-Zar tells Spidey that he and Shanna discovered a rogue division of S.H.I.E.L.D. running a mining operation for vibranium months ago and their investigation has led them to a confrontation with these shape-shifting aliens.

At that time, Spidey came to Savage Land looking for Sauron with his friends and that entire operation was obliterated by S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier. Veranke comes to Earth after she changed into Jessica Drew back then and started working with Nick Fury, who disappeared after "Secret War", leaving her alone to do her own bidding.

She helped orchestrated a mass "Breakout" at Raft, got invited to join New Avengers and meets Hank Pym imposter to plan on taking down Wanda Maximoff. Even before they could do anything, they all disappeared from reality and "House of M" ended with a massive reduction of mutant population that helped them further their agenda.

secret invasion new avengers skrulls marvel comics brian michael bendis billy tan david mack jim cheung michael gaydos
Secrets of Skrull Invasion

Here is your links to buy "New Avengers – Secret Invasion" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

New Avengers 38

New Avengers 39

New Avengers 40

New Avengers 41

New Avengers 42

New Avengers 43

New Avengers 44

New Avengers 45

New Avengers 46

New Avengers 47

Here is your links to buy "New Avengers – Secret Invasion" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

New Avengers – Secret Invasion Book 1 (Softcover)

New Avengers – Secret Invasion Book 1 (Hardcover)

New Avengers – Secret Invasion Book 2 (Softcover)

New Avengers – Secret Invasion Book 2 (Hardcover)

Building up to ambitious "Secret Invasion" crossover event from very first issue of New Avengers monthly comic-book series, Marvel Comics brought in writer Brian Michael Bendis (Daredevil – End of Days, Daredevil – Ninja) to continue his run on one of the flagship Avengers title that would see a major cataclysm to unfold in 2009.

Bendis was joined by group of artists Billy Tan (Darkness/Tomb Raider, Elektra/Cyblade), David Mack, Jim Cheung (Young Avengers – Family Matters, Young Avengers – Sidekicks) and Michael Gaydos (Daredevil – Redemption, Jessica Jones – Uncaged) on his eighth and ninth book since it came out in two part, collecting issues #38-47.

This tie-in storyline sheds light on first encounter of Illuminati against Skrull Empire (New Avengers – Illuminati), what happened after they came back home, how they figure out a way to successfully infiltrate among humans, Skrulls getting into superhero teams and finished on a note after Earth has been liberated from invading force.

Now that Skrull army is defeated, there is a new power shift which gets S.H.I.E.L.D. dismantled and its director gets replaced. More to a new chapter will be explored in next storyline "Power", slowly delving into "Dark Reign" event. Both Earth and New Avengers have been liberated from its biggest enemy but are not out of woods yet.
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