Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Quest for Hope | Comics

While John Stewart and Soranik Natu tries to unite their Corps, Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner go looking for Hope!

After Hal Jordan single handedly overthrown a newly reformed Sinestro once again, entire Warworld was destroyed in the process and Hal was lost to Emerald Space. From there, he was rescued by fellow Corps member and old friend Kyle Rayner, who is currently the White Lantern and only showed up when Ganthet called him for help.

During Sinestro's absence, his daughter Soranik Natu has taken charge of a rogue Sinestro Corps and allied with Green Lantern Corps for a union to restore peace and order in universe. However, some old Sinestro Corps members were completely opposed to this idea and a newly formed Green-Yellow alliance has decided to bring them in.

Corps member Guy Gardner of Earth visits the smuggler's corridor on Sector 2809 to find his old pal Space Cabbie, who can help them find all rogue members Sinestro Corps members, now scattered across galaxy. All he asks for in return is have his ship repaired and total immunity all of his past charges of smuggling and other petty crimes.

Long-lost Guardian Ganthet and Sayd were also found and returned back to their respected role as Guardians of the Universe once again. They tasked Hal and Kyle to seek out the final keeper of blue light of Hope and bring back to their universe to restore balance within emotional spectrum, leading them to travel to infernal skies of Sector 3172.

Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner traveled through transluminal space to reach their destination and after fighting two Death Dragons for some time, they have found Saint Walker at the grasp of vicious Misery Mound, struggling with a faint light of hope.

hal jordan and the green lantern corps ethan van sciver
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Quest for Hope | Comics

The Mound consumes the minds of Hal and Kyle using worst nightmares of their life against them by picking tragic events but ultimately, these two managed to overcome its grasp with power of their sheer will. Meanwhile, John Stewart was prepping his Corps for their missions when he suddenly noticed that Guy Gardner was missing.

Guy took it upon himself to find Sinestro Corps member Arkillo out to bring him back to their custody and came looking for him in Space Sector 1974. What followed afterwards is a bloody contest of two brawlers without their rings, where Gardner eventually came out victorious by beating Arkillo in combat but at a large personal cost.

Hal and Kyle arrive with Saint Walker at Mogo to reunite with his friends and restore light of hope. Ganthet and Sayd ask Kyle to try and bring back the fallen members of Blue Lantern Corps using his ring since he was able to pull Jordan out of Emerald Space but in process of trying to do that, he lost his power of White Light.

At Sector Zero, wielder of Green and Yellow Light works together to build a Central Power Battery for each of their Corps. While this makes both Jordan and Rayner slightly uncomfortable, John Stewart begs to differ on their perspective for once.

Soon, unspoken tension among these two Corps rise and a massive fight breaks out where Lanterns of both Corps starts besting each other over an issue until Guy Gardner and Arkillo breaks it off. Guy puts some sense into all Lanterns present by explaining how he worked his issues out with Arkillo and learned to work as teammate.

Seeing will and fear working together in unity, Ganthet, Sayd and Saint Walker finally believe that perhaps there is some hope for this universe after all. Then a blast from a dystopian future hits two Corps as time-traveling superhero Rip Hunter returns to present to warn them about menacing Prism Beasts that erased Green Lantern Corps.

green lantern corps dc comics saint walker blue lantern
Quest for Saint Walker

Here is your links to buy "Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Quest for Hope" from DC Comics in issues on Amazon.

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 14

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 15

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 16

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 17

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 18

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 19

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 20

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 21

Here is your link to buy "Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Quest for Hope" from DC Comics on Amazon.

Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Quest for Hope

Focusing on a new era for the Green Lantern Corps, DC Comics brought back writer Robert Venditti (Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Bottled Light, Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps – Sinestro's Law) and artist Rafa Sandoval (Catwoman – Death of the Family, Catwoman – Gotham Underground) in 2017.

Iconic comic-book creator Ethan Van Sciver (The Flash – Rebirth, Green Lantern – Rebirth) has also returned to continue his recent run on a brand-new monthly series Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps with Sandoval and Venditti as well. Kenneth Marion also filled in as a guest-penciler for several issues throughout this run.

green lantern krona gauntlet hal jordan rafa sandoval
Prism of Time

In the wake of DC Rebirth, ongoing story has progressed to the point where the Green Lantern Corps is about to retain their glory once again in "Quest for Hope", while being prepared for an upcoming threat that is unlike anything they ever faced.

It collects issues #14-21 from the ongoing series and focuses on several unsolved endings like current activities of Red Lanterns at their home planet Ysmault, The Flash recently experiencing some disturbance in Speed-Force at Central City and a mysterious entity known simply as Mister Oz secretly watching over various superheroes.

More details will be revealed at upcoming "The Oz Effect" storyline on Action Comics monthly series. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps will be working on strengthening their bond with Yellow Lantern Corps at all cost or die trying. More friction between Green-Yellow alliances will be explored in upcoming "Fracture" story arc.
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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Uncanny Avengers – Red Skull | Comics

Red Skull returns to torment The Avengers' Unity Squad and Avengers Mansion become a house of horrors.

To promote a cooperative relationship between Avengers, X-Men and Inhumans, Captain America originally formed the Avengers Unity Squad, which is also disbanded by him after his skirmish with Cable while the Red Skull remains at large. The remaining members of team stand back up at their feet to complete their original secret mission.

Skull still has possession of Professor Xavier's telepathic brain, which is why the team wants him neutralized. What the heroes do not know is that he invaded Quicksilver's mind earlier to spring a trap for his teammates. Years ago, when Rogue was a runaway mutant who ran into wrong crowd and fought the X-Men, it was Xavier who vouched for her.

This is one of the reason whys he feels so obligated to recover Charles' remains and then she starts having recurring nightmares of Skull consuming his brain. Nathan examines her to assure her that Johann Shmidt is exploring her psychic defenses. Meanwhile, Skull calls Pietro in to make him go against and decimate his colleagues one by one.

Doctor Voodoo is the first one to be taken and then Human Torch before moving to Synapse. When Rogue makes a call to Wasp, she was fighting a speedster and Cable hears her go down over phone, he sets a trap to slow their attacker but Deadpool got the first hit anyway. Anna Marie managed to catch him but he slipped taking Cable with him.

uncanny avengers red skull marvel comics
Uncanny Avengers – Red Skull | Comics

Telling Wade to find Gambit and Magneto, she flies to Avengers Mansion seeking the villain and mistakenly attacked Torch seeing an illusion. When Skull reveals himself, his brains are blown out by a headshot from DP but that turned out a dupe too. Wilson was actually getting beaten down by Pietro as he was trying to call other heroes for help.

Rogue sees Xavier in front of her and he goes back to the Mansion tormenting the others. His daughter Sin wants to go after Deadpool though, which he deems unnecessary. Using his new power Shmidt almost made Emily cut her hand, had Jericho trapped into the Swamps of Ogun, showed Janet and Johnny Storm their worst nightmares.

When he decided to move to Cable, Shmidt faced heavy rebellion and Nathan stabs his head only to see him come back and realize his enemy to be too strong. So, he initiates "Lifeboat Protocol" and erased his own consciousness before being corrupted by Skull. Doctor Voodoo, Human Torch, Synapse and Wasp are assembled to attack the city next.

Wade somehow pulls him over to Sanctum Sanctorum looking for Doctor Strange but finds his assistant Wong and Spider-Man joins the party as well. Together, the form a stand against the brainwashed heroes who are wrecking havoc in the city but wanting to take the fight to next level, Wade asks Spidey to throw him to the Mansion and he complies.

He meets Sinthea Shmidt on the hallway and takes her down with a punch, while waiting for Rogue to strike. He almost got the drop on Red Skull and then she suddenly came out of nowhere, pounding him to a living pulp. She takes Wilson downstairs beating the living crap out of his body by keep pummeling and making a bloodier mess.

Though Shmidt is unable to get a read of his mind or control it because of its chaotic nature, he assures that he can prolong the pain Wade is experiencing right now. As Skull enjoys his dessert, DP slowly elaborates his plan to come here and then finally reveals his secret weapon out of a bag that scares the living sunshine out of the villain.

uncanny avengers red skull cable marvel comics
Diabolic Deathtrap of Skull

Here is your links to buy "Uncanny Avengers – Red Skull" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Uncanny Avengers V3 18

Uncanny Avengers V3 19

Uncanny Avengers V3 20

Uncanny Avengers V3 21

Uncanny Avengers V3 22

Here is your link to buy "Uncanny Avengers – Red Skull" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Uncanny Avengers – Red Skull

Marvel Comics brings in writer Gerry Duggan (Arkham Manor, Hawkeye Vs. Deadpool) to plot out the fourth storyline of third monthly ongoing of Uncanny Avengers titled "Red Skull", collecting issues #18-22 from the series in 2017. Following the events during Civil War II, the team was officially disbanded and resumed their original mission.

Penciller Pepe Larraz (Star Wars – Kanan – First Blood, Star Wars – Kanan – The Last Padawan) takes the lead alongside Kevin Libranda and Rodrigo Zayas for doing interior arts. Cover arts for the issues involved were provided by illustrator Steve McNiven (Civil War, Death of Wolverine), who was generous enough to lend a hand for the story.

uncanny avengers red skull marvel comics synapse deadpool quicksilver wasp doctor voodoo human torch rogue
Dissection of Skull

The hunt for Nazi super-villain Red Skull continues for Avengers Unity Squad but with their recent encounter with The Hand during and a reformed Ultron, many of them are fractured. Still they decide to carry out their search but the villain himself unexpectedly strikes at them after being prepared for a while from under their nose.

Professor X and his early day X-Men team as well as of the Fantastic Four team members showed up only in an illusion sequence of Rogue and Johnny Storm respectively. A classic Avenger makes a spectacular return by the end of the story in a most unexpected way that will shock everyone and leave cue for the next arc "Stars and Garters".
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Green Arrow – Emerald Outlaw | Comics

After Green Arrow, Black Canary and John Diggle previously took care of the international criminal organisation Ninth Circle, Ollie's sister Emi Queen was taken away by her mother Shado. They all returned to Seattle, wreaking down the Empire Express on their way back home to thwart an assassination attempt of Amin Mustafa by mercenary Eddie Fyers.

Now, Ollie and his team along with their computer geek friend Henry Fyff is trying to set-up a new place for them to operate from Rainier Wilderness, just outside of Seattle.

Seems like, Seattle is already pretty hyped up regarding the attack of Emerald Archer on CFO Cyrus Broderick from Queen Industries. As reporter Victoria Much covers this news on television, she asks her audience whether they think that Green Arrow is a defender or terrorist.

Then there was that Empire Express incident on broad daylight, which is pretty hard to ignore. Folks of Seattle town are having a mixed reaction to this news whereas the homeless family that Ollie saved previously alongside Black Canary from clutches of the Underground Men thinks that he is a savior for them all.

green arrow dc rebirth comics
Green Arrow – Emerald Outlaw | Comics

In the city, Arrow had an encounter with Sgt. Scott Notting, who was beating up a civilian only out of suspicion for drug possession and a video tape of that confrontation goes viral overnight. This made Arrow a hero to many people but Notting eventually gets suspended from force.

Mayoral candidate Nathan Domini gets a surprise visit from Oliver Queen for a favor on getting evidence against CFO Cyrus Broderick of Queen Industries. Meanwhile, people who spoke publicly about Green Arrow are all shot down with arrows by some deadly accurate archer.

Dinah and Oliver go to investigate about that rumored deadly archer and learns from a street bum that there are many of them out there like the one they are looking for. Arrow and Canary offers their help to police but got being shot at in broad daylight and is forced to ran away.

A group of armed extremists led by Scott Notting started showing up in places and gunning down whoever they think is filth to the city, going by the name of The Vice Squad. He had a heated argument with Chief Westberg about what needs to be done before he was sent to probation.

In the middle of a game, Hawks' most beloved quarterback Cy Samson is shot with an arrow and Oliver Queen is immediately framed for this act on spot by everyone. The mystery killer is revealed to be one of League of Assassins member Dark Archer, who was trained by Ra's al Ghul.

Dinah showed up at the scene with Seattle Police and Green Arrow took an arrow that was meant for Chief Westberg. The Vice Squad establishes a reign of terror on Seattle and Emi returns as Red Arrow to help her brother out.

green arrow dc rebirth
The Shadow Death

Here is your links to buy "Green Arrow – Emerald Outlaw" from DC Comics in issues on Amazon.

Green Arrow V6 12

Green Arrow V6 13

Green Arrow V6 14

Green Arrow V6 15

Green Arrow V6 16

Green Arrow V6 17

Here is your link to buy "Green Arrow – Emerald Outlaw" from DC Comics on Amazon.

Green Arrow – Emerald Outlaw

Ever since Green Arrow has started his journey after the events of DC Rebirth, Oliver Queen has lost his sister, all of his fortune, almost died and got stranded from civilization but in the end, has found by his allies (The Death and Life of Oliver Queen).

Succeeding from beginning of Rebirth, writer Benjamin Percy (Teen Titans – Damian Knows Best, Titans – The Lazarus Contract) was brought in by DC Comics with artists Juan Ferreyra (New Suicide Squad – Kill Anything, Prometheus – Fire and Stone) and Otto Schmidt (Green Arrow – Island of Scars, Korvac Saga – Warzones!) to work on third story-arc of this series.

green arrow and black canary
Rumble In Seattle

The story marks the return of one of Ollie's old enemy yet a lesser known villain Dark Archer and this also hints at the possibility of League of Assassins and Ra's al Ghul showing up in the near future in this comic-book series.

Also, Oliver Queen and his allies took on an angry mob led by a former deranged member of Seattle Police Department, with whom he had a run in before. Collecting issues #12-17 from the sixth ongoing monthly series of Green Arrow, "Emerald Outlaw" arc will be concluded in "The Rise of Star City" up next.
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Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Superman – Multiplicity | Comics

When Supermen from across the Multiverse start vanishing without a trace, the Man of Steel of Prime Earth gets involved.

Seeing plant lives around Smith farm area dying as nearby ponds and streams are all being drained unnaturally, Superman flies to a nearby river and .quickly determines after some observation that this is no drought.

He came across a being from below ground known as Swamp Thing, who makes his presence known and states after seeing Superman at the first glance that the latter doesn't belong here, on this plane of reality. After their initial introduction, Clark calls him by the name of Dr. Alec Holland, who also points out an obvious that the former is not a Man of Steel from this world.

Because of his unique power of elemental control, Dr. Holland sensed an anomaly within him and found Clark in Hamilton County. Holland believes that a disturbance in "The Green" is what brought him here and as Superman assures he means no harm.

When he placed his hand on Swamp Thing, it released Kryptonian blue energy, overwhelming Holland. As a result of this misunderstanding, they get into a fight where Swamp Thing sees his memories of New Earth and Mister Oz visiting him earlier. Then he advises Clark not to consider himself as an outsider in this world and peacefully parts away.

superman multiplicity dc comics
Superman – Multiplicity | Comics

The other night, when Clark was driving his home to Hamilton County, he stumbles onto a badly beaten Superman of Earth-30 (Red Son), who was being chased by the Gatherers. Even though Clark was not on their list, they fought back these "Gatherers" together, who came following the Soviet Superman here.

As he retreated from their clutches, he heard Kenan Kong is next on their list. At that moment, Justice League Incarnate arrives to the scene from future and Superman of Earth-23 meets Superman of New Earth.

The JLI briefly explains to him what's happening around here before they all go and try to help Kenan Kong in Henan Province but failed to save him. In the House of Heroes, Justice League Incarnate was explaining the entire situation to Superman, while the Gatherers were busy abducting other Supermen from different worlds for their master, Prophecy.

So, they go to every other worlds to talk to each Superman counterpart and assemble them all on Ultima Thule; a plane outside space and time. They collectively decide to lure their enemy out using their combined power and then face him together.

However, Superman teleports others away to save them at the final moment and faces the being alone in space-time continuum. Even though Prophecy detects Superman as an anomaly, he is immediately drained off his power and rendered weak.

Still, he assures the other powerless captive brethren that he has one trick left. The monstrous entity believes that a great catastrophe is on the horizon and if he can collect the power of all the Superman of the Multiverse, he might have a fighting chance against that.

superman multiverse comic
Supermen of Multiverse

Here is your links to buy "Superman – Multiplicity" from DC Comics in issues on Amazon.

Superman Annual V4 01

Superman V4 14

Superman V4 15

Superman V4 16

Superman V4 17

Here is your link to buy "Superman – Multiplicity" from DC Comics on Amazon.

Superman – Multiplicity

The era of DC Rebirth reigns supreme as Superman returns with his third storyline in "Multiplicity", collecting first annual issue and issues #14-17 from fourth monthly ongoing volume of Superman comic-books in 2017.

So, DC Comics hooked up writer Peter Tomasi (Black Adam – The Dark Age, Forever Evil – Arkham War) and artist Patrick Gleason (Green Lantern Corps, Sinestro Corps War) to came up with the plot for this story while artists Clay Mann (Dark Reign – Elektra, Magneto – Not a Hero), Ed Benes (Artemis – Requiem, Blackest Night – Titans), Ivan Reis (Blackest Night, Infinite Crisis), Jorge Jiménez (Earth 2 – Society, Earth 2 – World's End), Tony Daniel (Deathstroke – New 52, Justice League – New 52) as well as various other lend hands for illustration.

superman rebirth dc comics
Last Superman Standing

The opening one-part story features Swamp Thing who took a peak at Supermen's recent adventures; like his fight with Eradicator on moon (Son of Superman), joining the Justice League of Prime Earth (The Extinction Machines), reunion with The Trinity to defeat Mongul (Better Together) and battle with a Kryptonian deformity known as Doomsday in Metropolis alongside Lex Luthor (Path of Doom).

Then all Supermen of Multiverse goes against a common threat and Mister Oz made special appearance. Next up, there is a crossover of Action Comics and Superman series titled "Superman Reborn" that will delve more into the mysteries we are being teased about since DC Rebirth.
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Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Action Comics – Men of Steel | Comics

Lex Luthor is being hunted down by an alien assassin named Godslayer while the Man of Steel struggles to save his former enemy.

In a distant future, Earth will be engulfed in flames and toxic fumes with the fall of Justice League. Aquaman, Batman, Cyborg, Jessica Cruz, Simon Baz, The Flash and Wonder Woman will fall as army of Parademons from the hellish world of Apokolips will take over Earth on behalf of their master, The Annihilator.

In present, Earth just witnessed Death of Superman on Prime Earth lately and another one from the reality of New Earth has stepped into his shoes to protect mankind and honor his legacy. At that time, former super-villain Lex Luthor has proclaimed himself as new Man of Steel of Metropolis in absence of the original one.

Despite new Superman's disapproval of his work, Luthor continues his work by fighting to protect Metropolis wearing the iconic red cape of the original one. Eventually, they both set aside their past differences when an ultimate killing machine from Krypton named Doomsday got loose on streets of Metropolis (Path of Doom).

Another Clark Kent then showed up mysteriously out of the blue and Lois Lane took place as a reporter of her counterpart from this world. Lois and Lex both came under attack at Daily Planet during one of their interview session.

superman lex luthor action comics rebirth
Action Comics – Men of Steel | Comics

Superman and Superboy were investigating on Amazon Rainforest where they found the missing Geneticron building that previously vanished from Metropolis during the recent Doomsday incident earlier. Suddenly, at a call of emergency from Lois, he immediately heads back to Metropolis with Jon.

He saw that Lex was already engaged in a fight wearing his suit with an unknown alien who calls himself L'Call, the Godslayer. Out of nowhere, Superman is suddenly punched down by L'Call's accomplice, Zade before he could even react.

Godslayer states, he is an alien assassin who kills future-criminals for generations, guided by elder Ch'Arr and now he is here for Lex Luthor, who will take Darkseid's place in a near future and his army will decimate many worlds including this one.

L'Call believes that Lex should be slayed to prevent that dystopian future from ever to happen. He came from future seeing this and he knows how great of a threat Lex would become because, he was once forced to serve the dreaded Darkseid after his family was slayed by the tyrant himself.

In spite of his dad's order, Jon came helping by pummeling a truck over Zade but Godslayer and Zade overpowered Superman and made a mess throughout Metropolis before forcibly taking Luthor with them for execution.

To save a would-be galactic mass murderer believed by two assassins from future, the Man of Tomorrow must journey to distant planet of Nideesi following Godslayer's unique form of energy trail. An intense face-off awaits between Godslayer and Superman on Nideesi to decide Luthor's uncertain fate of becoming Annihilator of Worlds.

lex luthor action comics rebirth
Trial of Lex Luthor

Here is your links to buy "Action Comics – Men of Steel" of DC Comics in issues from Amazon.

Action Comics 967

Action Comics 968

Action Comics 969

Action Comics 970

Action Comics 971

Action Comics 972

Here is your link to buy "Action Comics – Men of Steel" of DC Comics from Amazon.

Action Comics – Men of Steel

As part of the DC Rebirth era, Action Comics continues its run with "Men of Steel" story arc, plotted by writer Dan Jurgens (Metamorpho – Year One, Superman/Doomsday – Hunter/Prey) teamed up with the team of artists Art Thibert (Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate X-Men), Patrick Zircher (Green Arrow – New 52, Suicide Squad – New 52), Stephen Segovia (Green Lantern – New Guardians – Gods and Monsters, Poison Ivy – Cycle of Life and Death) and Tyler Kirkham (The Darkness, Tomb Raider).

superman and lex luthor team up
The Last Battlefield

Penciller Clay Mann (Dark Reign – ElektraMagneto – Not a Hero) and Gary Frank (Batman – Earth OneSuperman – Secret Origin) has provided variant covers for the issues involved. The storyline collects issues #967-972 from Action Comics monthly ongoing and features an unlikely team-up of Superman and Lex Luthor, to save the latter from an alien bounty-hunter who is hell-bent on capturing and execute him to save millions of lives in future.

Given the fact that Lex Luthor has always been evil sinnce the very beginning, L'Call, the Godslayer and elder Ch'Arr was probably right. Even if he doesn't become a re-incarnation of the dreaded Darkseid, he can still take over on Earth using his warsuit of Apokolips. The series will explore a crossover storyline "Superman Reborn" from DC Comics next which will answer questions to many mysteries.
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Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Thanos – Thanos Returns | Comics

On Outer Rim of space, Black Quadrant used to be ruthlessly ruled by The Mad Titan, Thanos and members of his followers in Black Order. Now, that they all lack a master to follow in Thanos' absence, his former servant Corvus Glaive have taken control over this quadrant and claimed throne that he once served and belonged to his dreaded master.

Many have bowed to him and Black Order has grown under his new command, until the day of reckoning finally came at his doorstep in form of a great tyrant.

The Mad Titan has finally returned to his domain of Black Quadrant to claim back his rightful throne and as he was opposed by many foot soldiers and mercenaries, he only left death and destruction on his path behind. He most definitely was not happy to seeing his former devotee has betrayed him while he was away.

When Thanos confronts his former servant Corvus Glaive, the latter took a futile last stand against his powerful master. Pitying at his pathetic nature, Thanos gives Glaive options of either killing himself or be painfully killed by his master's hand.

thanos infinity gauntlet marvel 2016
Thanos – Thanos Returns | Comics

Meanwhile, the self proclaimed Champion of the Universe, Tryco Slatterus visits an undisclosed space station to recruit Thanos' enigmatic brother Eros, who is also known as Starfox on behalf of his Inhuman nephew Thane. Back at Black Quadrant, Corvus Glaive meets his fate and then Thanos finally sits on his throne.

At the moon of Titan, Lady Death silently approaches Thane, who appears to be her new lover. She reveals that his god-like father is already dying, so it will not be hard to kill him. Tryco and Starfox then recruit Nebula, alleged granddaughter of The Mad Titan for their noble cause.

Looking for a means to save his own life, Thanos visits Nulla of Centron System but wipes out their entire Nullan populace when they failed to cure him. Then he approached his Titan father A'Lars AKA Mentor for help to a research facility of Shi'ar Galaxy on moon of Gilgrath.

Despite his total unwillingness to help save his son, Mentor reluctantly obliged when his son threatened to slaughter everyone else on that moon. When this one eventually leads to another dead end for him, Thanos finds himself up against Shi'ar Imperial Guard.

Though he might be weaker than his usual self but Thanos still packs some serious punches and gave the entire fleet of Imperial Guard quite a tough time. When they all fall before the ruthlessness of The Mad Titan, Majestor Gladiator of Shi'ar Empire himself comes to see the case personally.

Even if Thanos of Titan manages to withstand them all, can he finally hold himself up against his own son and his newly assembled gang? And what secret Thane is not telling rest of his teammates before they prepare to meet a former herald of GalactusTerrax the Tamer?

shi'ar imperial guard
Galaxy's Most Feared

Here is your links to buy “Thanos – Thanos Returns" from Marvel Comics in issues on Amazon.

Thanos V2 01

Thanos V2 02

Thanos V2 03

Thanos V2 04

Thanos V2 05

Thanos V2 06

Here is your links to buy “Thanos – Thanos Returns" from Marvel Comics on Amazon.

Thanos – Thanos Returns

Lately, The Mad Titan of Marvel is not having a pleasant time of his life as he had to ally himself with lesser beings to form The Cabal, experienced being killed by Doctor Doom on their confrontation at Battleworld during Secret Wars.

Then he was held captive on Earth for some time during Civil War II and gets his ass handed to him by Guardians of the Galaxy (Grounded). However, he is trying to get back at his feet again with help from writer Jeff Lemire (Essex County, Justice League Dark) and artist Mike Deodato Jr. (New Avengers, Secret Avengers) in this new storyline that marks his return.

thanos vs thane marvel
Death Becomes His Son

The arc titled "Thanos Returns" contains issues #01-06 of the second monthly ongoing comics series of Thanos from Marvel Comics in 2017. This is a brand-new take at Thanos's character that is something we have seen before and the aftermath of this story will lead to the next one, which is even more spectacular as the universe is possibly getting another new threat to tackle for survival.

The story definitely doesn't end with The Mad Titan being dead but he is set into a new quest on the following arc "The God Quarry".
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